TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Look at that lovely hair.


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I shaved my head but now it’s growing back and I don’t know whether to stick or twist.

What’s the best haircut to avoid baseless accusations of racism being thrown at you?

You’ll be absolutely fine with a do like this



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I wonder do any far right people or even near right admit to be racists. It’s mad how much of a taboo it is even though I’d actually say a big majority of people in the country and definitely the world are actually racist in one shape or form

Going bald early must destroy a lads self esteem and send him down the road of white knighting and wokefishing.

A luxurious head of hair gives a self assurance.

You’d always see bald lads growing beards to compensate for the lack of head hirsuteness and allow them to feign some relevance to trichology.

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He’s bald but in denial. The worst of all cunts.



@ttown_boy is mad as hell and he’s not gonna take it any more.

You work out regularly don’t you? you far right bastard

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I work out every single day but I counteract it with a poor diet so as to not become too far-right


You can have a slap head in charge. At least that rules out skin heads too

Sorry, a little faux pas by me. I meant to say “liberal” not “libertarian”.


Tough one for a few lads here, they hate Dubs but have the same opinions as them.

The Great November Rising 2023 is well underway! Some craic in Dublin

Tonight will set the anti immigration cause back to square one among the plain people of Ireland among who it had been gaining a fair bit of traction. Burning public transport and attacking guards means we won’t have any debate at all now on what is a genuine issue.

Tonight is what the “anti-immigration cause” is. It’s what it has always been.

Those who fomented it here should never be let forget it.


The timing couldn’t have been worse. With the Aisling Murphy case still raw in peoples minds followed barely a week later by this.