TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

How many Palestinians are getting international protection anywhere?

Eggggggfucking xactly

Are you calling for a lockdown? Get out from under the bed. :grinning:

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. I’m not sure you are either.

Of course you aren’t. No point carrying on.

So you can’t elaborate. Grand so.

You still didn’t answer the question. You don’t have the high ground. I asked why, not what or how

Why aren’t there 200k palestinaians getting international protection in ireland right now

The answer to your exceedingly stupid question is self evident if you had watched or listened to any news programme in the last six weeks, or even last six years, and it doesn’t lie with any Irish policy decision.

Im asking for your opinion which is evidently the same as whats put out on the 6/1. I should have known better.

My opinion is irrelevant. There’s nothing to have an opinion on. There is an obvious fact which you seem unaware of.

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Name it then

No, it’s too funny, in a grim sort of way, to see you flailing, seemingly unaware of the most basic fact about the situation.

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Good luck you spoofer. That says all i needed to know anyway, you’re too fucking windy to even say it

They’re locked into Gaza mate. A few hostages were freed today as part of an exchange alright but in general though, civilians in Gaza are locked in. Eygpt aren’t letting them get out of there either.

Its horrendous carry on.

Where’s the political fucking will mate ? Who’s putting pressure? No cunt. Coz no cunt really fucking cares or can benefit

Thats a very good question mate. Unfortunately the west has abandoned them more or less.

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Egggggg fuckingxactly. Which is why captain planet wouldn’t answer

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Its shocking stuff. In fairness Hamas’ attack on the 7th October was abaolutely desperate too but civilians being killed indiscriminately since then in Gaza is truly shocking. Its a new level of evil frankly or absolute total disregard for innocent civilian lives.

I can assure you that the place isn’t shaking. I have never heard anyone bring it up in conversation, even if it makes the news.

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Its been happening since the 40s. No fucker gave a fuck then and nobody does now