TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

In fairness anyone reasonable does but certainly Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken arent covering themselves in glory on this. Rishi Sunak and Ursula VDL the same in the EU.

They are not willing to challenge the far right government under Nethanyahu up until this point anyway.

They’re terrified of america is the sole answer.

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The lobbyists certainly yeah.

To be fair as well if an attack like 7th October happened here - what would our position be. Its just a shitshow there. I’ve massive sympathy for the civilians on both sides.

Evil cunts on both sides leadership wise who are never affected realistically have driven it on to a new level now. Both aren’t afraid of their own people being used essentially as human shields. Its vile stuff.

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Of the three high profile recent immigrant murders - Sligo head chop man, puska and the one this week only the Sligo one is really related to ‘immigration policy’ from what we know. Puska was from an eu country and the thing this week was just a complete outlier. I don’t think in the thirdest of third world country or the most lunatic muslim ones there is an issue with men randomly stabbing kids outside a school.
The Sligo one was based around his religion and he was non EU but on the flip side he was born or at least raised here.
Where anti immigration sentiment would really start to rise would be if gangs of African, asian or middle eastern youths were attacking people, mugging them, intimidating women, carrying out violent and petty crime and were openly hostile to the country they live in and the gardai etc. This is how a lot of immigrants behave in other countries a lot of the time eg France and the UK.
In my experience in Ireland so far, and maybe this will change, is we have little or none of this. The vast majority are respectful, hard working, keep the head down and work hard. My neighbours either side of me are poles and Congolese and they and their teenage and young adult children fit this description.
There is only one demographic in Ireland who are attacking people, mugging them, carrying out violent and petty crime and are openly hostile to the country they live in and the gardai and they are the same people most vehemently anti immigrant


What about the Romanian lady stabbed to death by a Muslim in Limerick? That was akin to the beheading one… Fundamental religious element.

Immigration isn’t necessarily the issue, multiculturalism is what can make societies divisive. The EU largely share the same values.

Yeah but sure different cultures already live within the eu.
It’s not all rosy in the garden and there is far too little openness and debate around our immigration policy but it’s definitely not a huge problem yet at least. Certainly not a hundredth of what McGregor and his buddies are making out.

Agreed… Naked neo liberalism is the issue. Blaming immigration a symptom.

Here’s a tan view

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Yes when jedward are leading them. In LA. Because its a progressive riot

From my experience in LA, a riot might tidy the place up a bit

Elon is incorrect. Leo hates poor Irish people

Never been to LA but dublin is slowly headed that direction unfortunately

What on earth were you on about here?

I have kids bud. That’s a pretty disgusting comment to make.

Palestine isn’t in the EU mate

Why would anyone in their senses answer you, you pissy cunt

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Continental drift?

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You must be the biggest child on the forum, and that’s saying something. Funny thing is I’ve probably stood up for you more than anyone else has on this forum. Good luck and thanks.

Jesus, you really can’t help yourself you misfortune

The Spectator, lolz.

The Spectator is the same publication which gave us Douglas Murray, who is currently on a crusade to whitewash the Holocaust and tell us Nazis weren’t really so bad after all.

And Boris Johnson.

Written by staunch unionist McQuillan and all!