TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I’m not advocating it. Nor agreeing.

I’ve no idea who the writer is but it’s grimly hilarious that the same people who instigated the fascist race riots the other night are best buddies with British fascists including the worst Loyalist scum from up north.

And the anti-immigrant mindset is the exact same mindset that supports the indiscriminate blowing to smithereens of civilians in Gaza.

Ireland needs a political party that wont accept the passport shredders, jock straps in womens changing rooms and a Garda unit that will crack heads first and ask questions later.
Thats the Ireland I dream of.One that would look at the lefty wet wipes and wipe their respective holes with them.


Sounds like the National Party is the party for you.

The national common sense party,Cheasty.

I doubt you’d know common sense if it slapped you in the face with a wet fish.

In Kilkenny hurling, we always try and leave the jersey in a better place for the next generation coming along.A simple philosophy that wouldn’t do Ireland any harm.
We have some job on our hands at the moment though.

*You better not bring the Dodgers name up in your reply or im going in feet first on you.Play fair.

Are you that mad goalie fella??
Either way, a Kilkenny hurler :clap::clap:


Not im not the 8 Leinster,4 All Ireland,5 national league winning and 4 time All Star Eamon Ryan hating genius KK Icon.

I have been privileged to wear the Black and Amber once upon a time yes.

Kilkenny becoming a hotbed of the alt right . @Locke is lucky he got out when he did


The Shamrock shake from Ballyhale will be along shortly to sniff your crotch and throw you out a few fried mushrooms.

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You wouldn’t want to be GAA club in Kilkenny named Blacks and Whites right now.

Lovely stuff @Rocko :clap:


What did he do?

Gave him a handjob

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Just saw it well done @Rocko

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Haven’t we all :black_large_square::yellow_square::black_large_square::yellow_square:

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The fucking state of this one. :joy:

It’s like she ate every single one of @ttownboy’s posts and vomited them all out in one go. :joy:

I thought Ken Early made an interesting point yesterday that these people are increasingly speaking internetish, not real language like normal people speak, they actually speak like internet bots.

Yet another contradiction in the fascist narrative is that during the pandemic, which, remember was very fucking real, they ignored science and shrieked about supposed “fear porn”.

And now here they are, shrieking genuinely deranged fear porn.

Get out from under the bed, you idiot.

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I think I went out with her mother.