TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Imagine sitting in your wife beater and y-fronts atin your coco pops and chuckling away to yourself after calling @StoneCold a steamer … And then those boys burst through your door. It would ruin your day so it would.


helen and drew doing a bang up job. sure the hate speech law will stop knife attacks

Man hospitalised after stabbing incident on Talbot Street last night (

That’s a bit of a stupid comment in fairness. Let’s not do anything unless the prevent knife attacks, there’s absolutely no point in doing anything else unless it specifically prevents knife attacks.

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do you want to have another go at that?

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McDowell predicted all this

he predicted this & it happened?

Senator McDowell said he was concerned the bill would lead to people making citizens’ arrests on people they believe have committed hate speech

Yeah. I linked it in second article

The first article was about his concerns on the hate speech bill. He’s an eminent SC and a law and order proponent so his concerns are worth paying heed to. He’s also raised issues around problematic definitions in the legislation

“Street politics is not a one-way street; there are gutters on either edge.” is a great piece of prose.

McGurk taking on Panti
He’s finished

Sure the legislation isn’t even in effect and we have lads making laughable claims of being already proved right about something that hasn’t even happened.

But that’s the conspiracy theorist mindset for you.

What we’ve seen in the last week is proving the need for the legislation beyond any reasonable doubt.


McDowell was probably the worst minister for justice of all time. He had a massively bad impact on the the gardai as an organisation at a time when we had loads of resources and he could have made long lasting positive changes. I think he also set the record for buying the most expensive parcel of land the state had ever bought to build a prison that has never been built. I can’t think of one successful initiative of his.


McDowell rooted out Garda corruption after the tribunals. No wonder they didn’t like him.

“the north inner city is safe”^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1729097956320518644|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

This is absolutely bonkers.

They’ll put a camera on it.

We’re following the UK approach of prosecuting online crimes of offence and ignoring street crime and robberies.

She’s out of her depth.

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You’d wonder if the lads who eulogised Elon Musk as “a genius” are beginning to feel any embarrassment.

Probably not I’d say.


I presume we had mass riots in response to this - oh wait, we didn’t because they’re white Irish, so that makes it fine.

If you are going to riot in Dublin Parnell Square seems to be the place to start it.

Ah Helen will be along soon to assure us all Dublin is safe.

Just as soon as she coordinates her outfit.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1728956839285358729|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

looks like her advisors have finally gotten to her. of course she should have acted as soon as the yanks issued a caution for visitors to dublin

I’m not a big fan of her but I would say it has been advisors and the guards who have been telling her that.