TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Things have started going really downhill since the guards started wearing those sports training jackets as a uniform. You couldn’t take any figure of authority seriously wearing them.


I wonder what them lads read on Twitter that made them go out rioting?

probably something similar to what the english louts read that time they tried to tear up landsdowne road

Is Ewan not an EU citizen anymore? Why would he need a visa for Portugal?


If you want to live there I think there’s a requirement to get a permit.

For things I learned today thread

CC @pulpfiction

They obviously didn’t vet him hard enough if they let the grim cunt in



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What benefit does shouting on the INTERNET full time give to either country?

Harsh but fair.

he then admits later on that his Brazilian wife doesnt have it easy getting visas for Ireland. So it must be easier to believe the twitter following of how easy every other migrant gets it rather than his own direct experience. Immigrants here dont get handouts easy, nor work visas or residency easy. Any public job offered has stipulations that it must be advertised, offered to Irish/EU before someone with a work visa can be offered it (labour Market Needs Test), have minimum wage criteria in some cases, which doesnt help some lower paid employment roles. Constant monitoring, signing into garda stations, renewals with each year and job contract etc.

This whole “dey tuk our jobs” shit gets boring after a while. Whilst there certainly is abuse of state welfare for some migrants, considering how upset people got over Varadkar and his “welfare cheats” campaign went, stating that its a minor drop in the ocean of welfare abuse that costs us, the immigrant welfare cheats I’d expect to be far, far lower than a lot of those out rioting the other night. It certainly shouldnt be ignored, but it also shouldnt be weaponised to be a huge target against all migrants which is what is happening.


The right to protest is being eroded in UK and because so far it’s people like Robinson affected there seems to be general acceptance it’s a good thing.

You are morphing into a full on nazi

You think people’s problem with mass immigration is “they tuk our jobs”?

Just how far out of touch with reality are you lot?

What do you think of these statistics Jonny Arse just posted re Algerian asylum seekers to Ireland v global numbers?

Of a total of 9,909 applications made by Algerians in the entire world in 2022, 1,766 – 18% – were submitted in Ireland, meaning we had the largest group of Algerian asylum seekers in the world entering the country.

And you think the issue is they tuk our jobs.

These are two entirely different concepts surely

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I take it you aren’t familiar with the Nazi view on the right to protest.

When did you become a Tory?

Compare that with this from irelands grune partei^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1729155649433649563|twgr^|twcon^s3_&ref_url=


Do you support restricting the freedom to drink drive?

Do you support restricting the freedom of a business owner to refuse to serve customers based on the colour of their skin?

If so you accept her point.

If not…

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