TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

And, are you saying that she didnt make those comments?

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i can see she made those comments & they seem reasonable, weird enough account you are following

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Im not following it.

Shes making similar comments to those made by the nazis after the reichstag burnt down .

Another green electoral wipeout on the way

1 Like is a far-right[4] fake news website[1] based in Germany that presents itself as a news aggregator.[3][4] It is known for publishing disinformation[14] and conspiracy theories,[18] including COVID-19 misinformation[11][3][4] and anti-vaccine narratives.[19][20][3][4]

The website was created in 2007 as a conspiracy forum focused around content such as UFOs and paranormal phenomena. In 2021, it rebranded itself as a news aggregator on its social media platforms and website. pushes far-right content, conspiracy theories and misleading information together with real news taken from other sources frequently without attribution, and platforms hate speech, including Holocaust denial and neo-Nazism, on its message groups.[3][4]

Martin Tv Show GIF by Martin

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“dont make comments that will hurt the most vulnerable in society” is a nazi slogan

What it is with the far left virtue signaliars who pretend to take in misfortunate refugee families over social media etc, gain the likes and plaudits for same but never follow through with their offer.

If those people actually put up their junk rooms etc, there wouldnt be as much issues.


Yep, surprised @TheUlteriorMotive isnt all over it

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just to confirm, we had Ukranians staying with us recently


You lose all credibility when you come out with this batshit nonsense.

You are one of the good guys mate.

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@Assumpta_Gilhooley led the way

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Christ above


Fake refugees are going to be sorted in Ireland because France and Germany are finally taking it seriously.

It has definitely been an issue, no matter what some want to bat away.

Sadly though the far right won’t be happy because fundamentally they don’t like change and we are a multi cultural society now.

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Huge if true, maybe Art has an opinion


How many of them stabbed anybody?

Fuck sake @artfoley

Come on man, you’re better than that

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties have morphed into Nazis according to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

The Minister for Justice wants to give Gardaí the ability to use Facial Recognition Technology (FRT).

A person’s face is permanently and irrevocably linked to a person’s identity. FRT treats our faces like license plates, matching facial features to a database of images.

FRT tracks and follows us wherever we go, undermining our rights to privacy, to protest, and to associate with others. FRT is known for its inability to correctly identify faces that are not white and male, due to inherent biases. So it also undermines our right to equality and non-discrimination.

Tell the Minister you do not consent to being tracked by FRT!


More virtue signalling from you boss?

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