TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

At least house them somewhere there is basic services to support them. I’m aware of a location with over 90 migrants with the bus stop being over a mile of a walk and the bus runs once a day. The nearest shop, GP or pharmacy is nearly 8 mile away.

Sanctuary cities are the way forward

There’s plenty of room in Dublin for them, loads of vacant buildings, rural Ireland cannot accommodate this

They’re taken away our hospitals, our banks and ATMs. They’ve taken away our ability to go to the pub for a bit if company and drive home after a few handy pints. Rural Ireland is under attack.

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I wouldn’t pull in Malahide to take a piss mate

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Was that Ollie Baker?

Twas him

zip it you fascist pig

Amazing the way that hotel in ballsbridge which has been idle for yonks was suddenly taken over by the American embassy in the past week.

lol facist indeed

It amazes me how a large group of Gardai can be deployed when the state requires them, be it to protect pass machines on behalf of the banks or be it to escort immigrants where there were clear concerns raised by the local community.

I wonder what all this virtue signalling is covering up



Quite fascist looking for the police to smash peaceful protesters


You can believe all that and not go screaming at kids though


I don’t think @SAFE was screaming at kids

Can we be sure?

Of course. That’s the fundamental problem with these legitimate protests, they get infiltrated with those undesirables and all legitimate arguments get diluted. Infact the conspiracy theorists will probably suggest these thugs were planted there.

Matzi McGrath


Mattie be better off keeping his snout of this as there are no votes for him up there.

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