TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Is Ireland more racist now than Australia?

It’s possibly easier assemble the boguns in one place here

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Let me guess, you live in a city?

I sincerely hope not.

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I’m no longer military aged. Plus i wasn’t seeking refuge any where. Had no intention of ripping up my passport. And wouldn’t have been sleeping rough or needing state accommodation.


There’s very little racism in Ireland.

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Military-aged my hole :roll_eyes:

You were quite adamant that you were moving for economic reasons because of this state’s dysfunction. Your late father (God be good to him) also upped sticks for a better life abroad. More power to him. I don’t see how you would deny anyone else that possibility


Bar a couple of “citizen journalists” there is none.

All the more strange re the strong arm Garda tactics yssterday in Roscrea. Was that necessary?

I agree with your sentiment but it’s a hugely opaque system. What is the situation with the people going into that hotel for instance? Where do they come from? How long will they be there? What is the plan for occupying themselves while they are here? Is it families, is it single adults?
I presume somebody has the answers to these questions but 98pc of people haven’t a clue and it’s causing a rising level of discontent even among non racists who had absolutely no problem with the literally 100s of thousands of foreign people who came here over the last 20 years. Even telling people a little bit about the situations these people are coming from would help and no doubt sway public sympathy.
There’s definitely an element too of the Banty types making off like absolute bandits with millions of euro which given the history of how this country has worked has left people more than a little cynical.


I had a feeling you were always a far right agitator @Arthur

I’m just asking questions

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You should make your mind up. You’ve intermittent spells of freaking out over being taken seriously and not being taken seriously #bantzaside

From what I’ve seen in media outlets it was probably as calm a reaction as I’ve seen.

Personally I’d agree with you on all of the above.

There are those being led into beliefs which are plain wrong, there are those with plain racists tendencies.

Whichever way you lean, the right to a peaceful protest is a must.

The Government are easily swayed but then again they’ve given headbangers ample opportunity to tell lies and grow in popularity.

The Marxist agitators are the ones you need to watch.


You deleted your earlier post there. Must have been an accident


It’s called democracy.

The lefty headbangers dont like it.

If you think that show of force was in vain considering the carryon of certain individuals at so called protests in the past, then yes.

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The marxist agitators wanted peaceful protesters “smashed”. They don’t like any opinion that’s not their opinion. It’s quite chilling to see the extremism on this forum from lads who can’t even see how their rabbit holes have slowly turned them into hard left Marxist agitators.


There’s a lefty poster on here who pontificates endlessly yet regularly wants violence doled out to people who take a different view point to his own… It’s standard among left leaning Marxist agitators to turn vicious when challenged.