TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

It’ll be very interesting to see how many votes they get in the next election. They genuinely think they have huge support because of twitter and the general chat about immigration from the man on the street. I’m not sure it will translate though as their candidates are such forbidden cunts

I’d imagine that’s quite risky

Might have been a few in from Ballinamore I suppose

The good people of Roscrea stated from the off they have no interest in these far right agitators.


The far right already have significant support in this country. There’s no definition under which Mattie McGrath is not far right. This Farmer’s Alliance yoke is clearly far right.

Yeah they’ll continue to get loads of support. Very hard to see anything but a massive increase in support for them as a vote for the far right but I suppose yourself and others will.

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No it’s grand really

You just have to cut the BLUE wire, you’re fucked if you cut the red or the yellow BOOOOOOOOOOMMMM

The British trained bomb disposal experts for NI. I think once they got going none of them were killed.

They pioneered using shotguns to disrupt the detonation mechanism of a bomb.

I’d still class it as “risky” though

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That’s a very fair comment

Was it @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy defending the Paris police a couple of years ago

Unsurprising to see @TheUlteriorMotive defending the very lenient treatment given to white French police officers for an unprovoked assault on a young black man.

He says that any protests against such is an attack on democracy.

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Not much of a surprise coming from the guy taking the piss out of George Floyd being murdered.

Those African coffin dancer videos during Covid must have triggered you Karen Wokefishing Gold help us.

He’s still going with the George Floyd oul stick… Floyd was a woman beating drug addled criminal who was high as fuck the day he died.

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A much better man than Kyle The Criminal Hayes

I posted this lad I recall. Not George Floyd. Sure the whole world is racist



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Be interesting to see if @glasagusban and @backinatracksuit will be on screaming about the above post. Real low life stuff.