TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Surprise surprise, fascist propaganda works

Is the sunday business post right wing, or the poll panel or Johnny Arse or just is for reading the result?

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You’ve refused to address the point, mate.

Fascist propaganda works. It worked in Nazi Germany and it’s working here. It works through lies, spreading cynicism and anger and through endless repetition. It turns ordinary people into seething cauldrons of hatred.

John McGuirk is an out and out fascist whose sole purpose on this earth is to spread fascist propaganda and destroy this society.


I think the poll is reflective of peoples thoughts on the issue and johnny arse has directed where the ‘public opinion’ or offical narrative comes from.

The word “thoughts” doesn’t really apply to people who are anti-immigrant.

They have no interest in politics and aren’t interested in a functioning society or facts and reason. They’re interested in whinging about stuff they know nothing about and bullying those who they believe they can bully.

You literally accuse them of how you act pal. Scream down at people who disagree

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Government silence in general and lack of communication with communities housing refugees belies a hurt narrative


I’m stating simple facts and you don’t like them because you’d prefer to scream about refugees and asylum seekers.


What a shocker, mass immigration is deeply unpopular with the majority of people.

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Ypu spam the board insulting people who state they arent happy with the government’s immigration policy, its a policy not to enforce laws and processes already in place. I dont think anyone here disagrees with immigration as it’s a healthy part of a functioning society but whats happening atm is not sustainable for the staye or any benefit to those coming

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You’re talking to a lad who hides in his bedroom.

The rest of us work beside and for and hire immigrants who in my experience have been brilliant and enhanced our culture and workplace. We’re about to hire two more on recommendations from lads with us and we’ll be lucky to get them.

But we’re far right and he’s the bulwark against Nazism posting Twitter links even though Elon is the greatest threat the world has faced.

Nobody is served putting immigrants in tents in rural Ireland in January.


“Everybody who disagrees with me is a spammer”.

Did you watch the segment with Ciara Smyth?

What is mass immigration?

Are you proposing to leave the EU?

How has that gone for the Brits?

The Brits hate mass immigration too

It must be great for them that they’ve had no immigration since leaving the European Union so.

Not sure who’s saying that? Reducing immigration was a big reason brexit was voted through. Immigration increasing since brexit is also very unpopular if you haven’t noticed. That the government haven’t overseen a reduction isn’t here nor there, it’s just a hobby horse for you to shoehorn in. So my original statement mass immigration is unpopular there too remains.

Generally youse lot argue against nobody ever said.

So how’s that working out for them?

Reality can be unpopular. Arguing against reality in favour of a proposed fantasy world isn’t a serious position.

Countries require immigration to function and immigration will happen anyway because that’s the nature of the world. The world has shrunk in real terms. People can come here in the same way people like to go to other places. If some people don’t like it they have the option to hide under their beds for the rest of their lives.

The people who are against immigration also tend to support Russia, or at least propose that arming Ukraine be ended. I wonder how that would work out in terms of refugees.

Some people just choose to live their lives in fear of an invented threat. That’s their choice but they shouldn’t expect to be taken seriously when they don’t have a serious position.

I’m wasting valuable e-time conversing with you but all those assertions are mostly demonstrably nonsense. Some levels of immigration require society to function, not what’s happening now. There was 700k immigrants to Britain last year. You are completely detached from reality if you think that is a good thing for the citizens of the UK. Levels of immigration in Britain were very unpopular pre Brexit, they are even more unpopular post Brexit.