TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

What do you mean “what’s happening now”?

There’s a fucking war in Europe, you do know this? Do you think all those Ukrainians just wanted to leave their homes?

International protection and asylum applicants are a drop in the ocean.

We are in the EU, the deal with the EU is open borders within the EU. The alternative is leave the EU.

Yis are living in la la land where slogans repeated by terminally miserable cretins rule.

We were talking about the UK. What’s happening now - 700k last year

The UK voted for their current levels of immigration and where the migrants would come from. It was called Brexit. That was democracy.

Surely you’re not saying that the people who voted for Brexit regret their decision now?

Interesting that she thinks there should be more communication with local communities in rural areas. I’ve seen some people sneeringly dismiss this

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I haven’t.

The point that is being made is that it will make fuck all difference because all these demonstrations are led by and mostly made up of people who are deeply hostile to actual communication and just want to kick down on people.

I didn’t think you did. I’ve seen it a lot though. Oh I don’t get consulted if a new family move into my estate. It’s an attitude that is backfiring.

You don’t get consulted when a new family moves into an estate though. Communication can be offered for optics purposes if people are moving into an accommodation centre but communication doesn’t mean bigots should get any say at all about policy or implementation of policy. Fire the local community a few sweeteners if necessary, a GP here, a teacher or a public health nurse there. If you start caving to bigots, and the Government is clearly showing signs of doing that, you have a big problem. Countries can’t be run like that.

The current situation we have is that bigots are demanding they get their way or places get burned down. That is an unacceptable situation.

They didn’t vote for more immigration, no.

They’re being confronted with the logical consequences of what they voted for, the eejits.

They voted for something that would decimate their economy and result in many of the people keeping their economy going leaving the country. Then, surprise surprise, many hundreds of thousands of people from outside the EU with their non-white skin were required to immigrate into Britain to keep their economy going in a country which has a rapidly ageing population and the birth rate isn’t enough to keep the population up.

Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells can write as many angry letters to the Daily Telegraph as he wants but nobody should take him in any seriously. He voted for a charade dreamt up by people with egos the size of planets and brains the size of a rubber on the tip of a pencil.

This is an easily ignored fact.

Now either some communities are led by incredibly weak minded individuals or just plain racist ones too.

To be fair, other communities have been quick to condemn these cunts presence and influence and fuck then off out of town as soon as they arrive.
Not enough have done so though.

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Britain doesn’t need or want 700k immigrants a year no matter how much nonsense you spout. The majority of UK people have wanted lower immigration for many years. The government have a mandate to make it happen but through lack of will, competence or desire haven’t enacted it. The Rwanda scheme was refused by the establishment. Suella Braverman got the bullet. The Government acts against the wishes of the people. You see it here, the UK, the US.

Example #2597

So the majority of people in Britain want their public services and economy to collapse?

Another, more accurate way of phrasing Grift’s headline there - in fact another, more accurate way of phrasing any Grift headline would be:

“Lies work - so who cares about reality?! Pile on with more Russian bots!”

So what’s the specific lie in this instance then.

Gript and yourselves lie that there’s too many immigrants - the reality is yis just hate black people and brown and even white people who don’t talk in the same thick tongued mumble as you.

If Ireland is full, why aren’t you calling for a ban on births?

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I only asked a simple question. Ard you saying that the poll quoted was a lie.

I’ve no idea if the poll was a lie - what I said is Gript spread lies. The Gript narrative is that is immigrants and “liberals” and “communists” cause all Ireland’s problems. This is a lie.

People can believe whatever they want but if they believe lies spread to fuel fascism, we have a very major problem as a society.

I mean people in Germany in believed lies about Jews in the 1930s. Had Gript been around in the 1930s they would have based their coverage on the lie that all Germany’s problems were down to the Jews.

There’s no difference in technique between what Gript do now and what Josef Goebbels did, it’s the same thing. Target an “out group” for hate by spreading lies about them.

The reality is that Gript is the online spearhead of a violent, out of control fascist mob which the likes of you seem desperate for to take over Ireland by force.

The reality is that the Nazis of Gript with their cosplaying as “respectable citizens”, and their ilk, are the biggest problem Ireland faces as a society.

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You’re a gas individual. Can you not answer a simple question without foaming at the mouth??

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Eh mate it’s youse lot who are foaming at the mouth at people who pose no threat to society - it’s the likes of YOU who pose the threat to society!

You and other racists like @TheUlteriorMotive, @Kyle, @glenshane, @maroonandwhite, @Enrique, @Hisenberg, @Tierneevin1979, @ttownboy etc., - all of you are extremely dangerous individuals who really should be on police watchlists.