TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

All illegals anyway, they breaking the law in another country and should have no complaints if deported


every person in Oz is there illegally?

Twitter poll?

Enough said.

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No, anyone who is in oz illegally should be deported. If someone is on a visa and following the rules of that visa has already gone through the correct channels

There’s been a massive change in public opinion despite the fact that we’ve had loads of immigrants for decades. The government are either fucking up their policies or the communication around it. If its a PR battle one side is being trounced and given the absolute dopes on the side that is winning that’s either unforgivable or deliberate

So its ok for us to go overseas but 1/3rd dont want immigrant here

Its okay for applying for visas and following the laws of where you are going. Immigration is good pal i dunno where you are going with this. Anyone is free to apply for visa and move here if all is in order. Whats happening with illegal immigration is not orderly.

This @Arthur chap is the most gullible flute to put down roots here in a long time.

Keep Ireland green, fuck a frog.

Just because he posted the results on twitter doesn’t mean it was a twitter poll you dopey cunt

Paddy gives it but doesn’t like to take it

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Has your opinion changed?

No, it’s ok for every country to set their own immigration policies, mate. Just because Uncle Sam let loads of paddies in to build their roads 100 a years ago it doesn’t mean Ireland needs to take in an unlimited amount of people who want to come here and whisper the magic word ‘asylum’

What “illegal immigration”? Explain the issue to us in precise terms there rather than slogans you cogged from Facebook.

Poll says 1/3 people are anti immigrant

How many have we taken in

1/3 people are anti immigrant not anti unlimited immigration

I’ll let you research that mate, I’m having a latte and a danish

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The Marxist agitators don’t want to see this. This is how you ensure immigrants have a proper chance at a good life here and not just fucking them in tents in Clare as to do otherwise is racist.

Neale Richmond TD, Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, has today announced comprehensive changes to the employment permits system, with 43 changes to the jobs eligible for an employment permit as well as a roadmap for increasing salary thresholds.

The main changes include:

  • 11 roles added to the Critical Skills Occupations List
  • 32 roles made eligible for a General Employment Permit
  • salary requirement for majority of General Employment Permit holders will rise from €30,000 to €34,000 in January 2024
  • healthcare assistants and home carers salary requirement will increase from €27,000 and horticultural workers and meat processor salary requirement will increase from €22,000 to €30,000 in January 2024, bringing them in line with family reunification thresholds
  • extension of existing quotas for dairy farm assistants, butcher/deboners, meat processors and horticultural workers
  • a Labour Market Needs Test (LMNT) is required for General Employment Permit applications and will have to reflect the revised thresholds in order to be deemed valid
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Arriving at an airport and losing their passport, then declaring seekimg asylum.

My opinion is either there is a far better way of doing things or the government are handling it as best they can but just not communicating what they are doing well enough. I also have a sneaky suspicion they might be taking a small bit of a hands off approach to changing policy as they hope it is damaging SF. I’d say theyll fairly change tack quickly if the opinion polls show it’s causing them to lose support.