TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

That isn’t illegal immigration. Every person has a right to claim asylum.

How would you “communicate”?

Do you accept there are many people with whom communicating is utterly futile?

Do you accept that there are many people who will take any “communication” as an emboldening of their indefensible position?

Do you accept that those who

Do you accept that social media is a wild west of bigotry and that unregulated social media activity will eventually lead to a situation similar to the 1930s in Europe if left unchecked?

Do you accept that social media ownership has a vested interest in the vast spread of hatred online and in some cases, as with Elon Musk, actively support the vast spread of hatred online and spread hatred themselves?

The department and minister in charge are working off a pre Ukraine war policy/ plan.

It’s clearly inept.

Denmark, who signed up to taking refugees on a voluntary basis, like ourselves, stopped a while back as they were sufferings many of the same problems.


Id agree with most of that alright. We’ll see if they bring in new policies around it or start trying to communicate more. Helen McEntee has a video out already so some pr man somewhere agrees with me.

SF pivot to the far right

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Why throw away your passport. Also coming from safe countries while also not claiming asylum in the first safe country. So many points at where the right process could be followed and are not

How are asylum seekers a big issue considering their numbers are miniscule? Because racist gobshites on the INTERNET say so?

Some asylum seekers throw away their passports. So fucking what? They’re seeking asylum. It’s a compliment to Ireland that people want to come here an make their lives. Do you want to do away with the right to seek asylum?

People who are preoccupied with picking on asylum seekers aren’t interested in politics or making a better society, they’re interested in racist bullying. They’re interested in making society much worse worse for all of us.

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Do you realise there’s a system that assesses asylum applications and at the end asylum is granted or not?

Is that the same system that when a deportation is decided just ask the deportee to please leave instead of just getting on with it?


Why does anyone need a passport or identification document?


Because of the man

I am who I am

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I’m a free man of Ireland. I needs no passport nor papers

And the luas is free

Yes there is a process, firstly thats not working, the speed of applications needs to be addressed secondly if they have a genuine asylum case then why are they completely disregarding the rules. Im not saying we shouldn’t take in refugees but there needs to be clarity on the process. Its ripe for abuse as is

What’s not working about it, pray tell?

Is it not widely acknowledged by all parties that the asylum system is completely broken?

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“The system is broken” is a lovely slogan. That’s all it is.

The previous DP system basically piled them into a building or centre for years before the application is approved or rejected. The system is not much different now, i mean we are using tents. Thats simply not acceptable

Back ground checks aren’t done till near the end of the processing… Mass murderers are here 2 years before the Irish bother running a check.


People are in tents because the fascists keep burning down anywhere earmarked for accommodation.

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