TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

We are now sending refugees to other countries and paying them to do so even tho we are under no legal obligation to do do :person_shrugging:t2:

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The pivot from the government is something else on this issue.

They have made some bollix of it.

Any rational person looking on would say housing young single fellas together in convents etc with no opportunities wasn’t going to work, be popular or be fair to those people either.

If you housed Irish young lads like that - they would create mayhem.

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We are good little Europeans

Why wasnt this accommodation made available when we have 13k homeless irish people? The housing crisis isnt a new phenomenon here either

Define a homeless person, also we all know none of youse lot give a fuck about homeless people.

It’s very similar to covid. The far right crew being on one side puts all right thinking people instinctively on the other side. Then it gradually dawns on people how big of a bollox the government are making of it and public opinion starts to turn. Then the government start doing u turns all over the place and more or less change direction completely without ever admitting they were wrong.


Tbe Swedes and Danes, arguably the most liberal cunts in the world, have toughened their stance on refugees and migration as a whole… The useless wokies on here aren’t screaming far right or racist at them.


Sure weren’t we supposed to follow their social model, then after covid we cant speak about sweden. Between the OIUTF attitude and being right wing now the place doesnt exist.

Fuck ikea

Sweden is ravaged with gang violence due to its previous liberal stance on immigration and asylum. The average swede can’t leave their house from fear if being savagely beaten by unvetted murderers

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The Irish government made one major mistake during which was to open pubs at Christmas 2020. This resulted in the most damaging wave of the pandemic being given major scope to spread.

Apart from that they did about as good a job as could reasonably have been hoped for. They did a much better job overall than most countries.

Extremely aggressive cranks on social media are not an accurate measure of public opinion. And they are very much not an indicator of reality. They tend to have an inverse relationship with reality because they’re led by irrational uninformed anger.

In fairness to Roderic O’Gorman, the numbers that have come in since the war in Ukraine took them by complete surprise. I believe them too that they wanted rid of direct provision - which was a horrible initiative.

I’ve always maintained that taking people in though for the sake of it was a misguided approach. You need the proper services etc in place.

You were asked to define what a homeless person is. You haven’t done so.

How are we “taking in people for the sake of it”?

Bang on. The sniff of authoritarianism that the gov and the lefty headbangers got have really created a crisis in society.


Fuck off to Stormfront, Bob.

Poor choice of words on my part. You know what I mean though, as in - no services, educational opportunities or even proper accomodation being available.

Putting people in tents is a disaster.

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People are in tents because fascists keep burning down emergency accommodation.

The so called “respectable” people who just happen to be anti-immigration, anti-asylum, anti-everything seem to be strangely pro-arson.

Sweden has always been a very safe country too. Canary in the coalmine really

So you’re saying Sweden isn’t a safe country now?

Is Ireland a safe country?

Is Dublin a safe city?

If Dublin is supposedly not safe now, as all youse lot are telling us, when was it safe?

Is Limerick a safe city?

Was Limerick ever a safe city?

How many are in tents anyway?

If i felt my life was in danger elsewhere I wouldn’t baulk at staying in a tent temporarily