TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Anyone burning down these buildings should have the book thrown at them.

The worrying thing for the government is the arsonists are not being caught. That is not great either and it does seem to given a few more of them the courage to keep it going.

I could be wrong but I don’t recall anyone at all being charged yet. Of course its nearly an impossible crime to prevent but if they caught a few of them. It would make a difference.

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What does vetting mean? How is all this vetting done? They haven’t caught the arsonists, how are they going to “vet” them? Where are they going to get all these veterinarians?

More racist gobshites shrieking about the BOOGEYMAN

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A true Irish patriot


He talks a lot of sense

I was thinking about the asylum seeker issue the other night whilst I was fingerprinting a Georgian with a swastika tattoo who was claiming asylum from Tenerife.

I’d centralise it around the EU. Like, you claim asylum in the EU, the EU pays you, you can move around etc, rejoin your family, go wherever you feel you can get work etc. Each EU country pays into the pot, they all receive the same allowance. Takes the burden off of Greece and Italy. Removes any legitimacy (not that there is any) to destroying your ID.


Does the allowance take cost of living into account?

I don’t know. Maybe. I can see pros and cons to that as it will open the doors to people just moving to where it is higher (often promised the sun, moon and stars by people-smugglers). And then you’d end up with more destroying documents, falling out of the system and in with these scumbags. I’d be inclined to leave it as it is, maybe for a set period anyway

All he’s missing is racist. I hope he gets a wedgie at the garden of remembrance.

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and unemployed


Fair play to him for being unwaxed.

Especially about the risk of losing our tradition of diddle aye


It was previously to be fair. The system under the department of justice was a disgrace, taking years to reach decisions and people living in shit conditions in direct provision in the meantime. They’re undertaking significant improvement and overhaul of the whole thing but unfortunately a crisis has arrived at the same time.

I was interested in what aspects he thought “weren’t working”.

What crisis? Ireland is under no legal obligation to take in Ukrainians if that’s what your intimating… There’s no crisis for Ireland, we have voluntarily put ourselves in this position and can’t cope.



It’s like a TFK debate in real life


@Cheasty are you actually trying to tell me it wouldnt be both extremely effective and incredibly funny to put him on prime time or virgin media and get him to expand on those points and have someone reasonably intelligent on arguing with him??
Diddly aye :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

First of all he wouldn’t go on. Secondly if he did go on he’d spout a bunch of lies and he’d have a load of people on the INTERNET agreeing with him, and it would move the discourse of discussion in general further to the right, it would embolden the David Quinns and Johnny Arses to get more extreme in their hateful rhetoric, so it would only end up benefitting the far right.

There’s a difference in motivation potential between the arguments of normal people and the headbangers.

Arguments based in reality involve nuance and context. Most people will probably accept these arguments but they aren’t going to go shouting them from the rooftops.

If you put a headbanger like that on telly, yes most people will think he’s a headbanger, but some won’t, and they will shout from the rooftops, and they will be emboldened by headbangers now being deemed a “legitimate” part of debate. By platforming the likes of him, you’re only inserting his insanity into the mainstream, where it will steadily become normalised, and grow.

“Shaming” them or putting them on television to make fools of them doesn’t work. They can’t be shamed or made fools of. They’re like zombie murderers.

Trump is obviously a headbanger and a fascist. Naive “very sensible” people in America thought that people would be put off him when he did media appearances because he was so obviously a headbanger and a fascist. People weren’t put off him. They liked him.