TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

This fella’s unravelling into far right conspiracist madness continues.

Like an invasion or something like that?

Always enjoyed that show

Ireland hasn’t been invaded. Nor is Ireland legally obliged to take in peoples from any country that has been recently invaded. Your use of the word crisis is pure deception.

Damo has made some good points there and suggesting head examinations.

I’d follow him if I had facebook.

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I’m signing up to face book just to follow him.

The Jews were definitely the aggressors in the 30s alright…

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The bould Deccie appears to be a big fan of the Israeli Einsatzgruppen.

Declan describes himself as a paedo in his Twitter bio.

German fascists bad, Israeli fascists ok.

You’ve simpletons crying they hadn’t arrested lads the following day.
I wouldn’t be one for making excuses for the guards but cases like the riots and burnings take hundreds of hours of piecing together evidence.

Five arrests over Sandwith St burning as gardaí trawl CCTV and phone data to find arsonists (


Agree. cc @Cheasty

Great news

You think five arrests will put the far right off?


Throughout the democratic world, governments, police and institutions are utterly impotent in the face of this threat. It’s like a car ferry trying to turn around in an effort to chase a jetski. In a canal.

The far right are well funded, nimble and decentralised. The ringleaders are canny enough to not get their hands dirty. It’s a game of whack a mole, and the most the Gardai will ever whack is an occasional local simpleton.

He didn’t even nearly suggest that. Dumb response.

Any response which doesn’t acknowledge the scale and the nature of the problem is a dumb response.

Governments, police, institutions, including in Ireland, are impotent in the face of this problem, and in many cases wilfully impotent, which is why it will only grow.

Gaslighting that five arrests, most of likely of thick as planks local thugs, shows the Gardai have any handle on the problem doesn’t help anybody except the fascists themselves.

