TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Again. The Special Criminal Court needs to be used against the major far right propagandists in this country.

Lock 'em all up! Throw away the key. Good to see the enlightened ones who know better than everybody else advocating the rule of law is done away with.

The Special Criminal Court is the rule of law.

Did you call for its abolition?

Are you in favour of actual law and order in this state or as with everything else youse lot say are yis just full of bluster and in favour of terrorist chaos?



Because terrorism is being openly fomented online and being followed through offline. You’ll come around. You’re generally a slow learner on this stuff.

Are you a complete loon or just a WUM?

Why the special criminal court? Why not the regular courts? I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about.

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Yeah that’s it, call anybody who disagrees with you a “complete loon” and a “WUM”.

Every accusation by youse lot is a confession.

Youse lot? Is there anything you don’t know?!?

Because the ordinary courts are not adequate. There is a clear and present terrorist threat which threatens the stability of the state.

Why are they not adequate? You’re not getting to the reason. You don’t understand what the special criminal court is for.


Special Criminal Court if it’s arson committed by a right wing nutter.

Ordinary court if it’s arson committed by a left wing nutter or general scumbag.


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It’s to deal with terrorists and people who foment terrorism. The likes of Philip Dwyer should be locked up and the key thrown away. Dwyer is a fomenter of terrorism. If he had a brown face, was called Mohammed and was fomenting terrorism against this state, what would the reaction be among the public at large? So why the difference because he’s called Philip and is white? He is fomenting the exact same thing.

Neither are jury trials adequate to deal with the threat. This won’t stop with burning down accommodation. There will be witness intimidation and before long police and judge intimidation. That’s how these things work.

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You seem to be avoiding the fact that there is a concerted campaign of arson carried out to try and bring down the state and turn Ireland into a Nazi kip.

But hey, “left wing nutters” or something something.


Nazis here, Nazis there… Nazis everywhere…



There’s no evidence of this yet.

You should put your real name to your deranged far right shitposting buddy. You never would. You’re a coward.

As I said, buddy, you’re a very slow learner.

According to you, you see the big danger ahead and know better, we need to listen to you, this is an emergency situation, no more namby pamby civil right, to deal with the threat of fascism we need to abandon the rule of law.