TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Yes I spotted him comment on an Irish Times article there today on Facebook and a quick scan of his timeline suggests that he is gone down the WEF/NGO/Davos rabbit hole

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I’d never heard of this chap before. I’d only very vaguely heard of Damo and Ivor and without having seen it my understanding of it was that it’s a derivative, hackneyed, clichéd pile of shit.

I’ve just done 10 or 12 minutes of my own research on him after seeing your post. The first thing I thought of when I saw yer man’s real name was “I bet he’s a brother of Rosanna Davison’s fella” (it’s possible there may have been some sort of dormant knowledge of this buried somewhere deep in my brain). Indeed he is. And thus is very rich.

This post on Reddit seems to get to the nub of the problem.

A friend used to be a big fan of his, and told me he lost it after the movie underperformed, was up doing weird “tired and emotional” late night livestreams about it, and then was never really right since.

He seems genuinely unhinged and he isn’t going to make any fans from his meltdown, as this is Ireland, and Ireland is tiny.


But you when you see Paula Lambert using the Bosco Twitter to RT Ireland fucking First, or Cowboy from the Hardy Bucks on transphobic horseshit, it’s hard to keep faith about our overall resistance to propaganda

Classic pot kettle.

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Hi Andy

Who’s Paula Lambert & how does she have access to Bosco’s Twitter? :rage:

She needs to get back in her fucking box


Yikes… Mocking might be catching…

Paula Lambert is from the Lambert Puppet Theatre (my school tour in 1st class). She is Bosco as far as I know. I haven’t seen the offending tweet and the Bosco Twitter page appears to be very inoffensive but that isn’t to say the tweet didn’t happen.

any links to bosco?


When people used the phrase “puppets of the far right” I didn’t have Bosco in mind.

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Leo Varadkar walking off stage mid question from Ben Gript is not a good look.


None of them can handle Ben. They’re used to RTE just asking approved narrative questions.


What was the press conference about

What was the queation about

You can’t even think Hitler was the good guy and deny the Holocaust and they call you a Nazi these days.

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I see the Wall Street Silver account mentioned there. We had a poster here retweeting that account on another thread today.

One guess who.

Quinn doesn’t like the blacks and the gays and the transes and the whoever else being visible.

The only notable minority fringe group I see over-represented in the media is the IONA Institute, who are there to distort people’s view of society and spread disinformation.


Very good :clap:t3::smile: