TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Man who ‘lost’ passport during Luxembourg to Dublin flight jailed (

Interesting line from this. I thought Leo said everyone who arrived without documentation was fingerprinted. Does the below imply others were refusing to be fingerprinted?

However, during a break in the hearing, the GNIB learned that he had been in Bulgaria, and there was a record of him before coming to Ireland via Iceland.

The defence also instructed barrister Kevin McCrave, who asked the judge to note that Maruan was the first among the recent GNIB arrests at the airport to consent to having his fingerprints taken.

Leo is only mildly acquainted with the trust at the best of times.

Celbridge the latest frontier in the battle.


A woman, Jessica Browne, took to Facebook to allege a 7-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by “3 Romanian men.”

Jessica is an Irish Freedom Party supporter and admin of far-right accounts.

Routinely spreads rumours without any evidence and later retracts them.

Just FYI.

From there Fergus Power and Derek Blighe amplified it.

Fergus, as always, writes an essay in all of his tweets and tailors the language for an international audience.

“Police”, “Prime Minister”, “Vice Prime Minister”, that sort of shite to get engagement outside Ireland.

Rumour itself is unfalsifiable, in the short term.

It doesn’t accuse named person(s) of a crime and nobody can possibly verify if a child was sexually assaulted a few hours ago.

There’s countless reasons to doubt the veracity of these rumours but by nature it’s unfalsifiable.

The alleged nationalities of the alleged perpetrators, living in asylum seeker accommodation, are Romanian and Hungarian.

European Union citizens have freedom of movement and have no need whatsoever to seek international protection here.

One good reason to doubt the rumour.Image

I’ll break down this post.

  1. “Hearing reports”

This is almost always code for “someone said it on Facebook or whatsapp”, with no source cited or ability to confirm.

The wording is designed to sound somewhat official and reputable but is often used to preface made-up shite.Image

  1. “The police have tried to cover it up”

Any investigation into sexual assault by An Garda Síochana has a duty to protect the anonymity of complainant and alleged perpetrator.

If any online rumour re: sexual assault were true, gardaí won’t provide public with those details.Image

  1. “They brought the child to hospital by taxi”

Complete baloney, would never happen.

Even if you assumed the rumour itself were true, that gardaí were at the scene of a sexual assault of a child, there is no way on Earth they’d ring a taxi for her.


  1. “Child was brought back to the scene of the crime where the alleged assailants were still there”

Made-up shite that would never, ever happen.

There’s absolutely no way, in 2024, that gardaí return a 7-year-old who has been sexually assaulted to the alleged perpetrators.Image

Moreover if any of the above shite were true, far-right idiots would have jeopardised the anonymity of a child victim.

They were giving out not one, but two, alleged locations in real time that the child was at.

Even bigger concern is far-right idiots risk protecting abusers.

Evidently some are stupid enough to believe gardaí send child victims to hospital in taxis and taxi them back to their alleged rapists.

People spreading those lies are helping who?

It sure as hell won’t empower anyone to come forward to report sexual assault & abuse.

The fundamental problem with this far-right playbook is they can make up any rumour they want to instigate a mob.

Animosity and hatred generated by lies doesn’t dissipate with the belated emergence of truth.

They’re going to get someone hurt with this shite.


‘im hearing’ there is actually some truth to this rumour. With people living in these kind of unnatural conditions all in together far from home etc id imagine it is a certainty there are sexual assaults domestic abuse cases etc. Similar to how their would be in a lot of housing estates blocks of flats etc too.
Interesting that their response to protect the kid who also lives in the hotel is to burn everyone out of said hotel :person_facepalming:

Would your source be Johnny Arse by any chance?

No a woke lefty friend of the wife’s who lives there and takes a lad from the hotel on playdates with her son. Hardly a huge surprise there wouod be incidents like that in fairness. Apparently that hotel is one of the ones that started taking the refugees before the current twitter fuelled campaign started a year or so ago and there literally wasn’t a peep of complaint about it until now. If it opened now there would be massive protests.

Who lives where? The hotel? Or Celbridge in general? Hearsay is not evidence. Especially when there are people whose modus operandi is to push rumours which are unfalsifiable.

Celbridge. I’m only telling you what she said as she certainly didn’t want it to be true.

What a hilarious exchange

Headbanger lefty - look at these far rite racists creating rumours of 3 foreigners raping a 7 year old. Misinformation, conspiracy

Wet paper bag lefty - ughhhhh shit, it may be actually true. Likely the fault of how the foreigners are being accommodated though

Headbanger lefty - you must have got that from a far fite source, big Jonny Arse

Wet paper bag lefty - No it’s from a fellow traveller. The twitter campaigns are the real issue here even though this incident is not great but not a huge surprise

Pure current year stuff conversation, with reality and delusion clashing in real time


Apart from putting words in my mouth in hilarious fashion I don’t think there’s one thing I said there that even a socially awkward contrarian cunt like you could argue with.

You’re growing steadily more unhinged by the day.

These are your lads. This is what you support.

The far right lied.

And remember, hitting children is something the far right likes.

Jeez, the headbangers will be devestated

They literally fantasise about rape and paedophilia.

I’m not saying anything you’ve said is not factual or incorrect. From reading your posts in general you don’t seem like a liar. I havent the first idea about the incident other than the exchange between you two. Your man more worried about the far rite and aghast they could be correct and you more concerned about the conditions of the accommodation than the incident itself but sure lookit that’s the way it’s gone these days. Anything threatening the narrative is worrisome for you guys

Do you admit the far right lied?

About what mate, the moon landings?

You’re playing silly buggers.

The far right claimed three Romanian men sexually assaulted a young girl at a hotel in Celbridge.

Do you admit this was a lie?

Yes or no?

I know nothing of the incident other than your and @Arthur hilarious exchange where you were both more concerned about your hobby horses than the incident itself. I’m literally relying on you and @Arthur conflicting version of events in this thread

I’m waiting for you guys to confirm the truth between the two of you, and looking forward to the next exchange