TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

When the likes of @Kyle say they have no problem with black faces this is what they have in mind.

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Are SF IRA calling for a border with NI.

People like you are part of the problem, if you don’t mind me saying. People protest peacefully - ‘you’re racist, you’re far right, you’re bigots, you’re a fascist.’

No, sonny - at the very outset of this protest it was ordinary people peacefully protesting. One man in his 70’s was interviewed on Newstalk - his son was turned down for planning permission on family land which had been in their name for generations. Not unreasonably he was asking how is it fair thst people can object to his son and daughter in law building their family home but on the other hand they can’t object to hundreds of strangers being put in a rural area with no services.

More and more ordinary people would have listened to that man and said ‘you know what, that’s a reasonable argument’.

All the opinion polls state people feel we’ve taken in too many people. 80% in the most recent poll at the weekend. I suppose all those people are horrible, rascist, raging bigots too.

Immigration is a positive but it’s not unreasonable to afk thst the system is fair and efficient. The current system is unsustainable - pretty much anyone can enter but once their claim is found to be not genuine (as even O’Gorman admitted the majority are) people rarely are deported.

Instead we live in a la la land where we ‘ask’ people to leave. It’s ridiculous.


Sinn Fein are tying themselves up in absolute knots because they’re so desperate to hold onto the votes of the burn everything down fascists.


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“People like you are the problem”

“No, sonny”

Objecting to calling fascists fascist.

The same sneering bullshit the English far right specialise in.

Lads like you can’t handle social media and have been whipped into a hysterical frenzy by it.

You’ve been had, mate.

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yes, weird argument, people burning down houses and killing immigrants are just reasonable locals


They are really struggling badly for arguments. I saw that Leo Sherlock prick try to compare the fascists at Newtownmountkennedy to the miners at the Battle of Orgreave! :joy: :joy: :joy:

These are the same people that have an utterly obsessive hatred of anything remotely related to socialism!

These cunts would ban trade unions by lunchtime if they had the chance.


You’d want to be fair stupid to think linking those two things is reasonable.


It’s sickening what’s happening to this country.

We need to leave the EU.


Salt of the earth this fella, from Foxrock no less, Rosanna Davison’s brother in law.

This is how vigilantism gets normalised. Gardai standing idly by while workers are harassed, intimidated, filmed, badgered on private property. No arrests. Newtownmountkennedy this am.Image

This sends out the message that this will be tolerated anywhere. Reminds me very much of the library stuff.

Some arrests seem to be happening at NewtownmountkennedyImage

No innocent. Lifted a rod/stick from behind his back into faces of a line of gards.


Supposedly this is another arrest of a female protester.Image

Yer man with the rod/stick is being referred to as a ‘pensioner with a walking aid’ by the ones online. Not a convincing line considering that his ‘walking aid’ don’t reach the ground.

Of course this goon is present trying to whip things up to fever pitch.Image

The woman who the creeps say was arrested was blocking work on private property. From what I’ve seen on video she was given a warning but decided to go martyr on the job.Image

Police lines being charged.Image

Find the video if u need to. Charge starts 1.08

Incitement to arson. That’s the ‘elderly man’ who got arrested again btw with whatever it was he brandished in a guard’s face concealed behind his back.Image

Mods in their closed group now trying to mobilise more people with probably false messages. There is no way any buses are coming into the shitshow semi-riot in progress up there.Image




Stills from an hour old video. Repeatedly trying to break through police lines.Image

There’s about this many of the ones going at Garda lines.Image

Shitshow guaranteed. Reinforcements coming - for both sides I’d imagine.Image


Posted under the video the still of vans above is from. This to me is incitement.Image

For the record the agitators present on the site formenting this situation with varying degrees of bullshit: Dave (DaithiM72), Fatima Gunning (GRIFT), Phil Dwyer (Ireland First). Those doing same from afar - Andy Quirke, Leo Sherlock, Mick O’Keeffe.

Big pallet fire now being lit by the goons at the entrance. Is Quirke sending orders or what?Image

Looks like they’re trying to set a building/structure on fire.Image

Some of them trying to pull down the Harris fencingImage

Guards inside gate are not intervening. The big fire is just to the left of gate.Image

More orders from Quirke. Formenting a riot at a distance.Image

A road nobody wants . . . . except Phil and his nazi friends.Image

At least some fencing down.Image

Riot police with shields there now.Image

That group seem to have their backs to the fire and probably keeping more people from reaching the gate area.

Fascists having an indiscreet chat in the dark wondering why more locals aren’t supporting them/bothered by what’s happening.Image

Obvious they are exchanging information with people in Mount Street area from the indiscreet conversations while videoing. Gardai clearing roads using riot squad. Not a lot of evidence of confrontations going on now. Burkean guy saying Gardai were pelted with rocks earlier.

Dave’s either a coward or a rat. ‘Went for milk’ when the confrontations started.Image

There are a load of people up on the GAA grounds overlooking the site. They’re all pretty confused about where the crowd that were were in confrontations are as of now. Fire looks big cos this is from a distance:Image


Riot police make charge - those present pushing back.

The new pepper spray comes out . . . and

I wonder who’d answer?Image

Also - ‘granny’ and ‘old man’? John Tate who was arrested for burning the Luas is 60.

Thug shit going on all day. Open aggression. Threats. Physical confrontations. Trespassing. Charging Garda lines. Setting fires. Charging lines of riot police. Three arrests! Two of them earlier in the day. You’d swear the Gardai were going easy on them.

‘Armed’. They didn’t use batons but they used pepper spray bigtime.Image

Also protesters were by no means peaceful people.

Gript and the war talk. All going one way. Maybe the wrong way.

Someone said the place they burned is called ‘The Convent’. That it’s some kind of church building and had crosses on the outside.

RTE just report a fire at the entrance - not that they were trying to burn down a building. And look at how they describe the previous arson attempt. Five arrests now.…

Six arrests at protest over IPA accommodation in WicklowSix people have been arrested and three garda cars were damaged at a protest at a site earmarked to accommodate international protection applicants in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow.

‘Locals’ says self described double-nazi white nationalist online kingpin who wants all ‘foreigners’ out. Dwyer blessing his arsonists and rioters. Them and Gript. Same as the last riot.Image

Out and out war talk and open incitement to arson. It was McGregor the last time. It was yer man Quirke spreading the high profile incitement today.

Terroristic threats. Fire and blood. He was threatening and inciting arson earlier today - just before the fascists tried to burn down a building in Newtownmountkennedy.Image


This shit will start in Dublin City. He’s talking about a particular DP building in the city in that post.

Long after the rest of the rabble have retreated she’s still in the middle of the road on her own berating the cops. ‘You’re pepper-spraying press!’

Loves the war talk. Like the Johns, Mick, Phil, yer man Quirke, Sherlock and Chopper.Image

'terror attacks’Image

What an absolute twisted creep. Spends all day inciting hand over fist and then acts like he and his rotten fascist mob have something to do with the historic struggles of working people - which they don’t.Image

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Is his father the man who wanted to build a casino in rooral Tipperary?

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I’d say what’s coming into Ireland is only a fraction of what Italy & Spain has seen in past decades.

European countries keeping their heads down and taking up the slack.

Hard to stop these people leaving Nigeria etc :man_shrugging:

Yes the father owned/owns Dr Quirke’s good time emporium on O’Connell St. He made his money out of Caesars Palace in Phibsboro

I think he might have been a guard was he?

Think so. From Tipp

Refugees from Britain :joy:

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