TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

This hateful fat bastard has done his own research

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arent Georgians allow to go to Germany to work without a visa mate?

The Georgians will come in handy when Vladimir Putin invades

There was asylum seekers stuck in Loughill in the back arse of west Limerick for years and no one was too worried about them not having a bus service etc.


That’s not my tweet mate

It goes to show much more caring the (far-right racist) protesters are that they care so much about buses and amenities for asylum seekers.

These seem like the same lads who were trying to stop evictions.

Some lads just like a ruck.

Strange how Newtownmountkennedy wasn’t full between 2011 and 2016.

The fastest growing town, in percentage terms, is Newtownmountkennedy, which experienced a 17.6 per cent growth in population between 2011 and 2016.

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Wah wah wah, this woman doesn’t even know basic facts about the country’s military stance.

It’s all about getting funding from American and British neo-Nazis. Fucking literal foreign agents, you couldn’t make it up.

That’s incredible @Kyle, why are they doing this, why?

The 4 arrested are all locals :flushed:

So much for “peaceful protest”, eh.

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And there’s actually plenty of buses from Newtownmountkennedy. One into Bray every half hour and one to Busáras hourly.

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Leo getting a lovely fake clap from the crowd there on the LLS. At least he was honest enough to admit that we dont have an immigration policy and we need a discussion on it.

He can say what he likes now, pension nailed down, cushier number to come. Fuck him.


Whats the difference between these protests and the water charge protests?

I dont think any was murdered as part of the water party protests

Anyone murdered here?

Big localised protests of particularly working class people :heavy_check_mark:
Protests hijacked by a far x of the political spectrum who are agitating the situation for political gain :heavy_check_mark:
Widespread condemnation from the government and main political opposition :heavy_check_mark:
Widespread condemnation from the main stream media :heavy_check_mark:
Main stream media do no cover the peaceful protests nor accurately provide attendance figures :heavy_check_mark:
Political agitators from the edge of the political spectrum intimidating government politicians and threatening to personal safety :heavy_check_mark:
Majority of the public disagree with the government policy but dont want to be associated with the agitators :heavy_check_mark:

Honestly whats the difference between these protesters and Paul Murphys crowd during the water protests?

The far left and far right cheeks of the same arse if you axe me


These lads are evil racist, very very dangerous scumbags, they are burning buildings indiscriminately, it’s lucky that nobody has been killed already but it’s inevitable.
Don’t mimimise their scumbaggery with those comparisons