TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

+1 He’ll sail into the sunset like the rest


It’s some coincidence that every rural town they send gangs of asylum seekers to is full of racists.


The agitators yes but thats a small minority of the protesters. Thevwater charge ones were also hijacked by agitators attackimg Irish water workers installimg meters.

Is this the first time racists don’t discriminate?



Yes, a croatian man was murdered for speaking a foreign language and gardai have linked his death to people at these protests

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Julianstown and bettystown have no issues mate

That’s because they are all whacked out on heroin.

Thats classic labelling folks and asserting them into groups, those people who murdered that man are scumbags no doubt

But aligning anyone who opposes the goverments policy on immigration as far right or saying the same as them is classic othering

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They are aligned with the scum of the earth, they should be distancing themselves, tell them to fuck off from their ‘peaceful’ protest.
Everybody arrested yesterday was a local

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Easy to tell fuck off but will they fuck off from a peaceful protest if they are there to cause trouble

Im saying anyone that turns up at these protests with their irish lives matter banners are far right or at the very least are happy to stand with the far right


Do you think the one that are only a small bit racist are ok if they haven’t burned down any buildings or murdered anyone yet?

Well if they have and irish lives matter banner i would agree thry are morons and far right, they are agitators looking to cause trouble

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Theres a difference between concerned locals and racists looking to cause trouble. You shouldn’t equate them as the same

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Protesting about foreign people moving in near you is racist.

Don’t mind that fanny, let him call you racist. Not wanting 500 male asylum seekers moving in next door is racist - grand, let fools shriek that


Moving in? Did they purchase a house or something?

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Very few of these lads would have purchased their own house , nor did their granda or their da but they’re true Irish patriots fighting agin tax payers money being used to house foreigners .


My first question is what job or trade do they have?