TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I wonder how many of the “concerned” citizens on here would have sympathy for the likes of the men below. The forgotten generation of Irish immigrants living in despair in London. Single men trying to eke out a living in a country they don’t see as home.

Hard not to feel awful about their plight if you’ve any sort of humanity. And equally hard not to feel ashamed of those who don’t extend the same sympathy to men who have arrived here - equally desperate and yet they have their most basic needs protested against. It’s racism. Nothing less.


Where ‘ere we go we celebrate
The land that makes us refugees


John Bull playing 4D chess - no wonder 2 lads and a stern look ruled Paddy for 8 hundred years.


Think there was a stick as well

Wait, they don’t want to go to Rwanda… Are asylum seekers racist?

Derek doesn’t agree :man_shrugging:

For fear of priests…

That’s some soppy amount of wank from you.

A few Irish lads had it tough so we should all part our cheeks :joy:



Irish people went abroad, worked hard, provided for themselves, paid taxes and were never a drain on the host country = we should take in an unlimited amount of asylum seekers even when there’s no accommodation for them or thousands of native Irish citizens.

Bizarre logic.

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The strange leftie types want to let everyone in…

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It’s racist to enforce immigration laws and deport people who shouldn’t be here.


Irish people were never a drain on the host country? That’s a leap.

There’s research that suggests that refugees or immigrants in general are more economically productive than native people. Economies always grow after immigration.

There’s only a few horrible cunts against people coming here full stop. 25% of the current population were nit born here… That’s a fair whack but we also need it.

But there’s also a much needed discussion on asylum and immigration needed… But if you raise the topic a few lads break down crying about a few homeless Irish in London and brand you a racist


Those two points contradict each other.

I’d say the Aussies would love to send the Irish packing

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Average intelligence of the immigrants > average intelligence of the lads agin the immigrants.

You made a stupid comment and now you’re lashing out :smiley:


The leftie loony do-gooder types think common-sense is racist…

Great. They still shouldn’t be here. Apply for a visa.