TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Are you soft in the head?

Our ancestors started from the bottom in the UK, US and Australia. They got fuck all soft and it was every man for himself. Life is tough. And the UK/US government did fuck all to help them either.

I doubt anyone has any beef with someone who wants to contribute to Irish society. We need immigrants to keep our country going. They are the backbone of our care industry now for example.

What people have an issue with is…

  • sneaking large numbers of immigrants into communities with no impact plan.
  • the lack of a plan and the absence of oversight (deportations)

I also have a personal gripe with seeing a bunch of NAMA landlords get rich off the back of this situation.


That’s the point many people who have legitimate concerns about the volume of asylum seekers coming in are making - and trying to make without being branded a horrible, evil Nazi.

We are a welcoming, friendly nation. If you enter legally, can provide for yourself, pay taxes and integrate into society - of course you are welcome. The issue is folk rocking up with no documents from every part of the globe - and often from safe countries with no war and famine - demanding to be housed and provided for. And when most of these are subsequently found not to be genuine asylum seekers they are politely asked to leave! Asked!

Rodders - who sent out tweets in 8 different languages encouraging the world and its mother to come here - says we’ll be taking in 20,000 this year. Another 20,000 next year. And the year after. Where the hell are we going to put these people?!?

The Skid Row type area around Mount Street will only grow and grow. The people of East Wall, Roscrea, Ballina, Roscahill amd Newtownmountkennedy are not all racist.


Refugees can’t apply for a visa, dimwit.

.4% of the population?

Does anyone know why he did this? is this some hair brained civil servants idea about how we address the pension timebomb?

It communicated the plan to end direct provision in the eight languages most common in people living in direct provision at the time.

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Post up the impact plans there for Cricklewood and Kilburn when you get a chance. Or were they not simply overrun with Irish migrants.

And maybe you have a list of all the many hundreds of thousands of Irish who were deported back to Ireland too.

Nobody said they had it easy (though the immediate access to social welfare in the UK was a huge safety valve). But we are treating immigrants far worse. And shamefully many think we should be harsher.

There is no impact plan that will stop people complaining when the real complaint is they don’t want foreign people moving to their towns and villages. No far right thug is going to decide not to burn down a building because they read a consultation paper. And hiding behind those points is chicken shit way of pretending you’re not racially motivated.


Have a lie down for yourself.


Everybody is gone full right wing racist now

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Bang on the money.

O Gorman is probably composing a tweet and open letter in Swahili as we speak.

There were the bones of 50 immigrants taken into my local town, they’ve integrated, we’ve the schools and services to manage it and the world keeps spinning. I see some of the women working locally now too.The hotel business is a loss to the town and we’ve one less bar to drink in but so be it. No argument there.

Lisdoonvarna is a different story. Ask any local over there about what was allowed to happen and they’ll give a pretty similar answer… but the likes of you wouldn’t even hear them, you’d sit in your high tower with a few of the other woke clowns here and have the locals labelled as racists.


But there have been massive amounts of foreign people moving into every single Irish town and village for years and there was barely a peep out of anyone. What do you think has changed public opinion so much?

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25% of the population were not born here…

66000 non irish moved to ireland between 2016 and 2022

Not exactly the floodgates opening mate

10k of these were indian who mainly come here to study

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9k are working for @KinvarasPassion

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Covid gave the craxkpots a voice


Racists calling for borders to be locked during Covid?

That’s some cherry picking of numbers… In 2011 less than 10% of the population were born outside the country. Today it’s almost 25%… When exactly did this jump happen, after 2022? That’s a serious rise in indians here to study


I think you’ve exaggerated the figures there? Is there’s an equal or greater number of Irish people living outside the state?