TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

All of TFK top 5 posters are married to people from overseas

end of message


Three years ago the screaming Mary’s wanted the borders locked.

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Life comes at you pretty fast.


Can you list them out… In any order you like.

Did somebody say Genocide Joe?

The same individuals who style themselves as “pro-law and order” have been suspiciously silent as regards any of the far right’s criminal activity in Wicklow.

Wanton criminal acts are good when you like the people doing it, it seems.

The tan police smashed a clatter of pro immigrant protesters today. Absolutely battered them :clap:

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:grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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Former Sinn Féin chair-mover applauds British police :smiley:

Presume that 50pc of tweets about the split season are by Americans by that logic

Gullible internet person thinks i moved chairs :joy:

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Is that @TheUlteriorMotive trying to gaslight that the international far right aren’t trying to stir up trouble in Ireland?

According to yer man’s logic, a 106 year old dying in a nursing home in Leitrim is a bigger catastrophe for Leitrim than September 11th was for the US - because adjusting for population, a greater proportion of Leitrim’s population dies whenever any person there dies compared to the proportion of the US’s population that died on September 11th.

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The lads moving the goalposts having a go at lads moving chairs is classic tfk

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“The Irish go abroad to work”

Three Irish men charged over 60 Melbourne burglaries

Updated / Thursday, 2 May 2024 17:09

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Culture boss.

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Funny how these racist cunts never say when exactly they think Dublin was safe.

Or anywhere else.

These racist cunts are certainly doing their damnedest to make Ireland an unsafe place.

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The far right want to #KeepIrelandDerelict.

They’d sooner see the entire building industry grind to a halt rather than have a house be built that might at some future point house an immigrant.

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Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.

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