TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Pepper likes bohs :grinning:


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Bit of an oxymoron. Far right and bohs?

This is incredible :joy::joy::joy: - what does she think small towns are protesting ffs

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Funnily enough when i listened to the clip Hazel (from china) didn’t say any of the things Ewan and Niall claimed she did. It’s almost like they are deliberately misrepresenting her.


It’s pathetic. Not the first piece of egregious misinformation that Kyle has posted in the latest stages of his pathetic demise.


And it won’t be the last :clap::clap::clap:

It’s disappointing seeing a poster who was always well able to think for himself forming his opinions on the ravings of scumbags like Ewan and Niall o Hara.

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She says that concerns raised about immigrants in Dublin 4 and Dublin 6 are about access to healthcare, GP services and school places.

It’s a classic case of reframing a protest as a “concern” and that it’s legitimate to be concerned about access to limited resources which whitewashes any racism. Did the people raising those concerns raise the same concerns when new expensive homes and apartments were recently built in Dublin 4 and Dublin 6 without new schools and doctors surgeries.

It’s disingenuous.


In other words many of the same concerns as other places. That’s the point.

And yes I’m sure those concerns were raised about other builds. Do you think the D4 residents want more apartments?

So, no it’s not disingenuous.

She said there were no protests in Dublin 6 mate, happy for you to edit your post mate

#Ballsbridge Is Full

There’s a mass migration from Ballsbridge to Ballybough in progress.


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Those same concerns raised around communities when people were placed there without planning, consultation or services and which concerns were dismissed by the political class saying you don’t get to choose who you live beside.

The governments longstanding failures on migration are coming home to roost in a big way and just in time for the euro and local elections.


Were there protests, burning of buildings, attacks on gardai in D6

It’s only day one in d6/4. Give them time and being abandoned by the govt

There have been serious protests in Dublin 4 albeit the more socially deprived areas of it. Are more socially deprived folk more likely to be racist or less able to articulate their concerns

held round the clock demonstrations, including on Christmas night, outside a building earmarked for homeless people which was burnt down in Ringsend.

The property was bought by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive and was to be used for families who needed temporary accommodation.

However, locals believed it was to be used to house single male refugees only.

Gardaí are now investigating after the property on Thorncastle Street was set on fire on Sunday morning.

One of the protestors, told the Irish Examiner: “We were there for two weeks, every day including Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

“The builders came down, but they told us they wouldn’t be passing the picket line, our line. We just didn’t understand why we weren’t told anything.

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“If we knew it was for families in emergency situations, for Dublin housing, it might be different, but nothing was done about it, and no one told us nothing.

Another protestor said: “Nobody told us it was for families. There was a meeting at a community centre a few weeks ago and nobody from the council showed up.

“Not one TD, no local community people, nobody showed up. No one spoke to us, no one from IPAS. If someone had of explained that this was for families, this might be different."

Fine Gael councillor Danny Byrne said a vacuum of information allowed rumours to spread that the building, which has been vacant for some years, would be used as a direct provision centre. He said that a health and safety notice went up on December 15 with the usual provisions but which only said that the facility was earmarked as “emergency accommodation”.

You didnt listen to the interview then

I listened to it.

She’s either
(a) completely disingenuous or
(b) extremely stupid.


D4 people are entitled to have concerns.

Small town rural dwellers are not.



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