TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

I doubt you’ll get an answer to any of those questions.

I’ve no idea why you’ve tagged me again this morning and resorted to name-calling.

Kitty Holland said he interrupted and witnessed the attack. Now she says she didn’t. Those who questioned the veracity have been vindicated. Hopefully the NUJ look at that at some stage.

Lads don’t need to read an article to know they don’t agree with it. That’s the way it’s gone these days. Lads refuse to read anything that doesn’t confirm what they think. They treat beliefs like Crokes treat goal posts - defend in numbers.

Lads should read stuff that challenges their opinions and beliefs and ideas.

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More lies. You’re so pumped on righteousness you forget what happened. My first post referencing the report itself was this morning. My only post on it yesterday was asking you whether you had read it. You laughably said you hadnt.
In an age where schools are running modules teaching kids to question what they read online, to try to assess it independently, you have the likes of @glasagusban trying to shout down any opposite opinion, vehemently name calling and drawing conclusions on things he hasnt even read…


Is it legal to camp wherever you like? Its a genuine question.

pretty much everything I asked questions about back in the summer has turned to shit due to the sloppy, uncoordinated mess this has become.

schools are struggling to meet demand, businesses are losing out because there are no hotels for tourists to stay in some parts of Ireland (Youghal) and there is a lot of anger, which is feeding the lunatics, which I said would happen.

Of course, I got shouted down and called a fascist for pointing all of this out, while the country is struggling to cope you have the other absolute lunatics saying throw as many refugees as you can at us.


which schools are struggling?


a lot, this is from the main stream media too. Is that ok with you? RTE aren’t fascist?

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Who has said there is no racism in Ireland? There’s plenty of it. Far right scumbags exist everywhere

that’s a militant far left twitter account :smiley:

The far right sympathisers are fierce touchy.

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This is true. There’s no one defending racism… But In saying that, refugees should wear an armband of some sort with a mark on it that distinguishes them from the rest of society. Good hard working foreigners will also benefit from this move as they won’t be confused with the bad kind.

The article says “School places for children arriving here from war-torn Ukraine may soon be exhausted”. Weren’t you bleating on months ago that you wanted no more refugees because the schools something something?

Maybe a yellow star on the armband?

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Look at you actually reading an article! This place is so good for you.

I can see it catching on…

I’d actually have no issue with people coming here to better their life and work.

I just disagree with the current system that only benefits people smugglers and incentivises criminals. If that makes me “Far Right” as @glasagusban continues to suggest, so be it

“Legitimate grievances”

What a charmer the guy who does the voiceover here is. Too shy to show his face though. But definitely, definitely a “not a racist™”.