TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

We actually don’t, ourselves and Denmark can opt-out of taking refugees as per Lisbon. However morally we should of course take in refugees and do. But genuine refugees. If economic migrants want to come, there’s avenues for that. There is no far right in Ireland. Theres a few complete freaks who go around rabble rousing at these protests but they are rightly ignored. But again, given the paltry public services in Ireland there is a tipping point in how many can be accomodated. What is the figure? And it relates to housing and services, not the country’s population density as the signallers love repeating


Well if he lost he’s passport it’s easy to see how he lost her cards

She was going on about her cards the whole time and when she had the crowd going, she threw in “and me cash,i had some cash”. Probably not even her phone.

@Thomas_Brady another beautiful example of the self righteousness linked three posts above

This place would make you sick.


You can’t trust scousers, sorry.

FAO the forum

@maroonandwhite was an economic migrant in the recent past



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Do you think is there a correlation between people who have left their own parish and an appreciation of an immigrant’s plight?

You would think so but the evidence here suggests no


I will forever be thankful that another country opened her arms to me when i became an economic refugee in '08.


Advance Australia Fair

Please refrain from posting up anti immigrant propaganda on this topic.

If you want to debate something reasonably go ahead. But the TFK server does not exist to fuel support or tolerance for extremist national party views.


Clearly people with a deeply thought through political philosophy.

The same people will be complaining about the health service:

“The health service is a DISGRACE! A woman died the other night because she couldn’t get dialysis.”

“Yeah, because you scumbags blocked her from getting it. Yis wouldn’t move when her son tried to explain to you that he needed to get through to bring her to the hospital. Yis abused him.”

“It’s the fault of the IMMIGRANTS!”

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“we need to protect our women”