TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Tommy appears to be in Killarney.

The Irish Patriots hero is a man who supports the Bloody Sunday soldiers



are you platforming tommy robinson?

Not at all. Look at the headbangers in the video.

The self declared “Irish patriots” are so Irish they want Ireland to be run by English fascists.


I’m pretty sure there were lads here who honestly believed this Elon Musk character was buying Twitter to get rid of bots, rather than, say, the blindingly obvious truth, which is that he bought it to enable global fascism.

I confess to missing his fascist global takeover utterances…too busy chuckling at his lighthearted banter

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You miss a lot of things. Happens when you spend your time stuck in a rabbit hole full of cranks.

What’s the dirt on Roderick the media won’t release I wonder? Gemma is hardly crazy enough to write that as it’s a hate crime for me

Yes if history teaches us anything it’s that it’s always wise to give the benefit of any doubt to Holocaust deniers in terms of having standards in what they write.

Christ above :man_facepalming:t3:

I suppose this is it?

Roderic O’Gorman ‘raids’ funds to push €1.1m to LGBTQ+ projects

TENI shouldnt be getting a cent and shouldve been struck off by the charity regulator for not putting in financials for a number of years


Minister for equality spends money on equality is a huge story :grinning:


A number of years? They’re all up to date anyway since submitting 2021 accounts in October and all approved again since November so your commitment to good governance in causes you don’t agree with can rest easy again.


Ah right. So its submit accounts whenever you like now for causes you agree with?

Tough scene here for the Lunatic Left. A classic reverse ferret.

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