TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

That’s cutting edge journalism right there, nobody would have seen that one coming :man_shrugging:

The Irish far right are now in alliance with Muslim clerics. You couldn’t make it up. :grinning:

This is a prominent far right politician in Estonia.

Siri, please create me a composite image of Gareth Keenan from The Office, Cassandra from Only Fools And Horses, a 15 year old boy with a moustache, and Worzel Gummidge.


Not a million miles off what Open AI produces for those instructions



FAO of @Hisenberg : the fash are running short on numbers, they need you for a totally “peaceful protest” with totally “legitimate” grievances this evening.

Will you be there to “drown those little rats out”?

Possibly the hardest place to get to in Ireland, not sure it’s a great place for a gathering. The luas stop named after it would require a compass and a half hour to negotiate the trip, never mind driving there. Spaghetti junction.

One of the tactics of the fascists of late has been to try and block traffic.

I feel there’s a real opportunity to establish common ground between the anti-cager movement and motorists here. Eamon Ryan should introduce an initiative where if a motorist can run down a fascist demonstrator, they get a refund of their motor tax for the next decade.

“Smash the fash and drive tax-free” would be a lovely slogan to encourage this initiative.


Perhaps a wolf could be released at the site of every fascist demonstration/traffic blockade?


Insightful contributions as ever here.

What denotes a fascist in this instance? Any form of protest against current immigration or those targeting migrant centers or/and disrupting traffic and civic life in general

The right to protest is the hallmark of a liberal society so i presume fascist is being reserved for those that specifically target immigrants and disrupt life for the average person…

Of course, the go to for the looney left is to maim and murder opposing views.

Who’s to say the wolves will stop at protesters? Huh?

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Thank you. I’d at least like to think I provide more insight than you do, but then so does my cat, so it’s not a high bar.

Under the influence of something, probably weed. Eyeballs :eyes:

A talking cat… Meow.

I wouldn’t say there’s much going around his brain.

A neo-Nazi called John McGhee was the chap who interrupted the RTE News. Why are cunts like him not already locked up?

Has a conviction for assault and battery. These are the lads that @Hisenberg thinks will “protect women”.

I doubt these Tweets appeared in the middle of @Hisenberg’s with it being populated with National Party, The Liberal and Gript journalist tweets so fair play in bringing it to the attention of the forum’s foremost defender of women’s rights.

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Would they be the most popular news outlets in the country?

Outstanding professionalism by RTE’s Sinead Hussey here. :clap:

:joy: :joy: I’m not sure I have ever endorsed woman beaters as being protectors of women? :joy::joy: Or this chap who I have never heard of before? But if it means it’s get you pounding your keyboard with such menace that you’re probably breaking the tabs while doing so I’ll take 100% ownership of the claims.

If it helps your future random attacks against me on the forum, you can take that it I’m also a far right Nazi that dons a Hitler moustache at every gay pride #GayPrideWhitePower

This thug is a leading representative of the far right “protestors” you’ve been championing in recent weeks, and absolutely typical of the leaders of them.

Surely you’d agree that these demonstrations make women in this country less safe, not more safe?