TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Yes its the Nazis I’ve been championing not the locals in the area :man_facepalming: You’re thoughts on working class folk leave alot to be desired. Snobby comes to mind.

Locals should have the gumption to know who’s using their grievances to promote racists leanings.

Kinda of like checking out the source before retweeting eh?

The “locals” attending demonstrations led by Nazis?

Why have the numbers for these demonstrations fallen off a cliff?

Led by Nazis? :joy: Are you talking about the local Nazi folks who are worried about 100s of unvetted migrants who are being moved into the area or the Nazi folks who march and put Jews in gas chambers?

These demonstrations are being led by Nazis nationwide.

You seem curiously soft on these Nazis.

I do seem to remember when you were posting as Project X you were very enthusiastic about the launch of a thing called Pegida Ireland back in 2016, which was an openly neo-Nazi entity.

Ireland is an extremely racist country. One of the worst in Europe for racism… There’s a good chance the neighbours share their racist beliefs.

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I agree, East Wall is full of Nazis. And if they’re not Nazis their clearly thick fuckers who need to be told what to do because they’re thick and haven’t a brain cell amongst them.

I’d love to see the racists get chucked into the regional hospital. 90% foreigners working there. Imagine some lad from South Africa sticking their thumb up a National Party member’s arse.

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Why would East Wall be any more full or less full with Nazis than anywhere else?

Is it because the prevailing accent in North Inner City Dublin sounds a bit too, well, Dublin for your liking?


What? :joy:

You just said that East Wall is full of Nazis. Only a tiny minority of the East Wall/North inner city community attended those far right demonstrations, yet you see fit to demonise that entire community as Nazis.

But apparently in the places outside Dublin where the same sort of far right demonstrations have been happening, we’re supposed to believe that these demonstrators are somehow “respectable”? Why? Because they don’t have Dublin accents?

You’re absolutely all over the place here.

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If you’re being serious you’re much thicker than I first thought.

My post is very easy to understand. It doesn’t take much to confuse you.

I see the Irish branch of the Suella supporters club are at it again

Their numbers have fallen away dramatically. You can’t rely on keyboard Nazis.

Gary Lineker fairly softened their cough

Colm Parkinson sliding steadily down the rabbit hole.

As usual, this was entirely predictable.


He is a proper clown.