TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

Are you actually interested?

Yeah. Which page says we need to take document destroyers arriving from Europe?


They should have visas for these other European countries at the very least? These visas should be traceable?

We don’t need to take them, we need to accept their applications and go through the asylum process to decide whether to take them.

Where does it say that in the convention?

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Will the UN fine us if we don’t?

Article 31.

Not what it says. Article 31 is about not prosecuting them. It also specifies coming “directly” from a country where their life was in danger

Yeah. You can’t prosecute or otherwise penalise refugees for illegal entry. Which makes sense for obvious reasons. The succeeding article says you can’t expel refugees.

That means you can’t summarily return anyone that lands with no documents without establishing first whether they are or are not a refugee.

So, they present and apply for asylum and have to go through the asylum process. The process should result in a decision on whether they are a refugee and have leave to remain or not. Your department historically does not have a good record at managing that process.

There’s usually no simple solutions to complex problems. Put them back on the plane or return anyone with no or with fake documents is all very simplistic and sounds great to certain people, but it isn’t an option.

What a load of absolute bollox.

Somebody who lands with no documents from a European country doesn’t fit the definition of a refugee in that very convention.


Ireland against Fascism on Twitter: “Ross Lahive, Steve and Max accosted Thomas Gould at Kent Railway Station today in Cork City. They are nothing more than far-right thugs using bully boy tactics and name calling to harass people.” / Twitter

It’s only 56 pages long, knock yourselves out guys :+1:

Why not?

In general because they have no well founded fear of being returned to where they have come from.

Maybe they were transiting?

On the Ryanair pier in Dublin that’s not an issue.

Anyway, they aren’t. The vast majority have 1951 travel docs other European counties that they flush down the jacks on the plane

It’s the job of the asylum process to sort out all those issues. If you have suggestions on how it could be improved maybe you should raise them in your department.

If you had brains you’d be dangerous.


How many are actually deported compared to how many deportation orders are issued?

Remember when the greens said they’d end direct provision and guarantee everyone housing. The more thoughtful amongst us realised it was just dangerous virtue signalling. It’s hard being right all the time.

Some fuck up made of 100k landed. Let’s hope they do better with the next 100k who arrive in the next year or so