TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

He was destroyed


One city in Poland: 160k refugees
The whole of Ireland to February 10th, 2023:73k

Full me hole.

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We have an island mentality at the end of the day.

What a bullshit point from John. France with 10 times our population have taken 118k.


Poland is a country with a proper far right element where the far right are in mainstream politics.

The advocates of democracy are against democracy

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Does that mean that those against democracy are democrats now?

Leave him be. He’s been crying into his lucky charms all day

It means everyone is s cunt now

Democracy is important but not when they vote for stuff lads don’t want

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The middle (sound man) ground is gone.

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We’ll be judged in our final days how we looked after the less fortunate. If we can do anything for these people we should.


We have left, left of the left and far left…take your pick.

Like all good lefty do-gooder, lunatic types.

Where do you draw the line, is there a line?

Sweden is finally a multicultural wonderland.

Could you do the needful please?

The growth in the popularity of rap music in Sweden is largely to blame

There was an awful piece about Gemma O’Doherty on the radio last night. A mother from Cavan whose child died from suicide was very upset about a photo of her son appearing with 41 others on the front page of the Irish Light with a note that he had been killed by the Covid vaccine. She tried contacting GO’D to get it removed to no avail. She instructed a solicitor to get the thing taken down and he was getting nowhere and now they are taking high court proceedings to try and get an injunction. RTÉ contacted GO’D for comment and the response they got was that she was untouchable and wasn’t taking anything down and that she was going up to Cavan in the morning to distribute more copies of the paper.
It was a very difficult listen.


What an absolute Cunt of a human. I hope she gets the welcome she deserves in Cavan

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