TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

What happened her, I think it’s fair to say she’s only gone off the deep end somewhere in the past 10 years. Up until then she was a fairly respected journalist without too many controversial opinions formed or expressed.

Something seems to have happened her along the line, some of her views are reprehensible, I think she is very clearly someone who is not mentally well.

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Her husband died. And she got canned by the indo. Still no excuse for what she has turned into but she’s had some adversity.

Yes but I genuinely think she is just not all there. Unlike someone like Justin Barrett who was always a hateful prick for instance, she just seemed to go off the crazy end sometime at a midpoint in their lives.

A cautionary tale indeed. I wonder where we could see parallels?

Dunno, look out for your right wing acquaintances. it.

I’ve since seen it speculated that it was the husband keeping her in check for those years. Which does coincide with her emergence as an absolute cunt. Some say she has broken down since he died and that was the catalyst, but the other scenario works too. Either way, its no excuse for her actions. And as I said last week on the Gemma thread, people excusing her by saying she must be mentally unwell are just giving her a pass.

What she is doing to that poor woman in Cavan is diabolical. Saying how she will make sure she loses out financially over it. A horrible, horrible cunt of a person.


Must be a few on here that back her?

i dont think that anyone would be able to keep that cuntery in check for any period of time especially when they were sick for a good while before they died.

the most rational explanation is that she had a psychotic break when he died and she lost her job. she needs to be sectioned


I think both are true, her actions are disgusting but she’s clearly unwell and that’s clearly a part of it. There are people who are not unwell who consume her shite though.

How is she clearly unwell? She was tapping away at conspiracy theories before the husband died and before she was sacked by the Indo? They were just different conspiracies. Are all conspiracy theorists mentally unwell or just Gemma?

Gemma O’Doherty’s views are entirely representative of the Irish far right, of the likes of Gript, of the Justin Barrett/Hermann Kelly/Philip Dwyer cabal, of Sharon Keogan, of several TDs, of a large body of online mouthpieces and a subset of posters here. She’s just more honest about what her views are.

The rest of the people I’ve mentioned aren’t any better then her, they’re just smarter about cloaking their real views.

Like, nobody considers Sharon Keogan “mentally ill” but she’s cut from the exact same cloth as O’Doherty. The exact same.

Was she?

Was she not sacked for having the temerity to actually do investigate journalism and doorstep a senior Garda bigwig over allegations of corruption? Seems disgusting that doing proper investigate journalism was actually what got her dismissed because it was a figure of the establishment she targeted.

Gemma OD generally seems to have had a complete departure to far right lunatic stuff r 40s whereas the other was always hateful cunts. The others seem more based on hatred where Gemma seems to pedals some bonkers conspiracy shit.

I think it’s fair to say she has become very mentally unwell somewhere over the past 10 years.

The anti-vaccine cult constantly does this. There was a young Limerick woman who died in tragic circumstances at the weekend whose death has been reported on, and now her face is all over Twitter as a supposed “vaccine death”.

She was touting a conspiracy around the Fr Niall Molloy death as far back as 2010. She was sacked for doorstepping Martin Callanans wifeat 10 o clock at night without having sought editorial approval. I’m not saying that was right or wrong but that is what she was sacked for. Not for the story.

Pal of mine had a child die tragically last year. He was similarly targeted he believes with the newspaper

What was the conspiracy theory?

What’s this about?

Campbell, the Cavan-based mother of Diego Gilsenan, who died by suicide last August, is suing O’Doherty for falsely implying her son died as a result of a Covid-19 vaccine in her freesheet, The Irish Light

Last November, Diego Gilsenan’s photo was included among 42 pictures on the front of O’Doherty’s newspaper under the headline “Died Suddenly”.

In one WhatsApp message to O’Doherty, she said: “Can you please just take my son’s picture and video off your twitter account please I am begging you, the heartache you are causing me and my family.”

In December 2022, O’Doherty tweeted: “Just because you’re the parent of a dead person doesn’t give you the right to tell lies, stalk and slander another. We understand some of the vaccinated cannot face what they’ve done to themselves and their children but please don’t blame those who tried to save you.”

In a video posted on Friday, O’Doherty claimed: “I am untouchable. I am not going near any court. I have secured my assets in such a way that the only people who will be losing money will be Edel Campbell.”

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