TFK's Far Right - Watch thread (no spongers allowed)

She’s a psychopath not a mental case.


She seems it to me any time I’ve seen her, obviously I try to avoid it. There’s something pathological about the shit she comes out with.

Edit to add: much of what she seems to come out with seems typical of mental illness paranoia, like the guy in this anecdote.

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You could add meeting up with John Watters to that list of misfortunes.


That’s a very strange take. I’m guessing you haven’t dealt with many who have had complete psychotic breaks, as it appears Gemma O Doherty has.

So her psychotic break means that she buries her assets to try ensure that the mother of a son who died by suicide is the one who loses out financially here. There is nothing about mental illness that would cause someone to be that horrible. You can argue her paranoia and extreme takes and conspiracy shit as being mental illness if you want, to intentionally harass a mother who has suffered pain from a loss like that is just being evil.


Exactly yes that’s what someone could do. Do you think doing that and saying publicly that she’s doing it is cold calculated rational behaviour. Like I said this is obviously an alien concept to you.

Sounds like mental illness to me.

Its not obviously an alien concept, but i just dont think her issues and behaviour can all be attributed to being mentally unwell. I think speculating that she might be mentally unwell gives her a pass when plenty more act in the same manner she does.

What do you mean act in the same manner she does?

Thought these points on population were really interesting. We should probably be a much larger country by population. We’re growing pretty fast anyway.

Ireland is not full. Relatively speaking, Ireland is empty. In 1840, for example, there were 2.9 million people in the Netherlands. In Ireland at that time there were 8 million. Today there are 17.1 million Dutch people. Had the Irish population expanded at a similar rate to the Dutch there would be 47.1 million people in Ireland today. To those who suggest that we have some sort of limit on population based on the ability of the country to sustain a growing population just think about 47 million!
The Dutch have managed to sustain their population while at the same time tiny Netherlands (much of it below sea level) has managed to be the second biggest exporter of food in the world after the giant America.

Arthur Griffith, the founder of Sinn Féin, was a prolific writer on economic nationalism and maintained that an Ireland freed from Britain would be self-sufficient and economically strong enough to not just recover its pre-Famine population of more than eight million, but even more: he insisted in 1917 that the country had “room and abundance” for another 16 million people.

The middle of the country is empty. Fill Offaly, Laois, Roscommon, Carlow, Kilkenny, Cavan etc etc with huge tower blocs and wind / solar farms and eco friendly farms for emigrats to work on for the betterment of the rest of us.


Very low population density in the Burren, we better fill it with migrants and be more like Luxembourg.

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They’re all fleeing war.

Amazing the right wing shitehawks here and elsewhere never propose a measure sterilizing morons as a buffer against population increase.

I wonder why.


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And GO’D is a heroine to some lads here, same as Enoch Burke is a hero.

You would wonder.

Serious question, did you even read the article posted there? Did you understand what it said? It doesn’t appear as if you did because what you wrote doesn’t bear any relation to what the article says.

Yes, I did. Did you? The article states that criminal gangs are using Ireland as the primary route to smuggle illegal immigrants into the UK, to fill low paid jobs in the black economy. Mainly Albanian and Georgian gangs using Dublin as the drop off point, probably because we refuse no one and don’t bother our holes to keep track of them.

This seems somewhat strange to me. What do they produce that they export on such terms. Tulips are hardly on a par with hundreds of US products we’ve become accustomed to.
I’ve a feeling they’re involving the busy port of Rotterdam in this profound statement.

Eh, you don’t eat tulips do you? Fruit and veg mainly I’d say, loads of it. You’ll see loads of tomatoes and peppers and that kind of thing from the Netherlands, they grow them in tiered greenhouses.