That Strange Work Phenomenon

this fooking dickhead is bringing another poor unfortunate child into the world again. the retard was all bouncing around the place telling everyone a couple of weeks back about how she was pregnant, and obviously a few of us didnt bother saying anything like congrats or when is it due or the usual baby bullshit, but she went and put flowers in a vase on the corner of her desk that faces the corridor so they are completely visable walking down the corridor.

Grand says I, let her have her flowers so people will say, ‘oh, what are they for’. I didnt, nor did any of the other lads. The geebag is now after putting more flowers up and bought a box of roses and left them in the kitchen, so others can share in her joy. I’m taking the sweets, but I still aint going to please her by acknowlodging her flowers or sweets. In fact, I think I’m going to go up now and stuff my face with chocolate just as I’m walking passed her. the tool.

[quote=“Gman”]this fooking dickhead is bringing another poor unfortunate child into the world again. the retard was all bouncing around the place telling everyone a couple of weeks back about how she was pregnant, and obviously a few of us didnt bother saying anything like congrats or when is it due or the usual baby bullshit, but she went and put flowers in a vase on the corner of her desk that faces the corridor so they are completely visable walking down the corridor.

Grand says I, let her have her flowers so people will say, ‘oh, what are they for’. I didnt, nor did any of the other lads. The geebag is now after putting more flowers up and bought a box of roses and left them in the kitchen, so others can share in her joy. I’m taking the sweets, but I still aint going to please her by acknowlodging her flowers or sweets. In fact, I think I’m going to go up now and stuff my face with chocolate just as I’m walking passed her. the tool.[/quote]

be happy for her on this joyous occasion

anyone else, definately. her, no way. have a quick read back about her if you want to get more of an insight to her.

fair enough, i just read the previous post

so have you brought the daughter to show off in work NCC?:slight_smile:

[quote=“Gman”]this fooking dickhead is bringing another poor unfortunate child into the world again. the retard was all bouncing around the place telling everyone a couple of weeks back about how she was pregnant, and obviously a few of us didnt bother saying anything like congrats or when is it due or the usual baby bullshit, but she went and put flowers in a vase on the corner of her desk that faces the corridor so they are completely visable walking down the corridor.

Grand says I, let her have her flowers so people will say, ‘oh, what are they for’. I didnt, nor did any of the other lads. The geebag is now after putting more flowers up and bought a box of roses and left them in the kitchen, so others can share in her joy. I’m taking the sweets, but I still aint going to please her by acknowlodging her flowers or sweets. In fact, I think I’m going to go up now and stuff my face with chocolate just as I’m walking passed her. the tool.[/quote]

People all around you being laid off and this tulip still in a job? Lifes just not fair sometimes is it Gman?! Will they get rid of her before she goes on leave? Doubt they’ll want to keep paying her for the guts of 6 months if she’s not there

The wife of the lad who sits opposite me just gave birth to their first a few weeks ago. Thankfully, he’s sound enough to not even think of bringing his daughter in to show her off. Think he’s starting to get bored of everyone asking him how the new arrival is though. Be funny if just put a sign on his desk going “I’m fine, the wife is fine, and the baby is also fine. Now fuck off and let me get some work done”.

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im in the middle of paternity leave & holidays at the moment but i can confirm I will not be bringing her near work

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nah, she is one of those lick arse types that makes out how vital she is and how busy she is. if only the main boss knew exactly. the fooking pleb has been found asleep under her desk by the receptionist a couple of times. she just lies down under her desk for a nap. I was in a different office for a while, and there was a couch in it, and she used to come in during lunch and go asleep, and mightnt leave til 3. they might tell her not to bother coming back tho when they realise things will get ddone without her.

Can’t make my mind up about this til I ask you a question… Has her tits got bigger since she gave birth??

Yeah Gman. She sounds like right cunt and anywhere else being caught sleeping on the job would be a sackable offence but we’d need a celeb lookalike along with pics to pass final judgement on this bint. As Gaillimharais said, larger tits would come into factor on whether she should be kept on or not

ah lads, seriously, I’d only offend this board if I put up her picture. honestly, she is the roughest looking yoke. About 40 years old, and fat and ugly. she was going on about this gym and dieting program she started doing a while ago that cost her €600, while she was eating a muffin. she gave up after a month.

Nice…Picture please

Fella in the last place I worked was a complete twat, he worked in America on a J1 and still has an accent (everything is vacation, high school, etc. etc.), he’s in his late 30s at this stage. He’s 1 of these guys that drives to all the work do and drinks non-alcoholic becks and makes sure to have the label pointing outwards so everyone can see it’s non-alcoholic.

About 4 years ago at a work do, he went for a bag of chip, this fat, ugly cow asked him for a chip and started lobbing the gob, he gave it loads. So in work the next day we were all laughing at the state of yerone that yerman got off with, anyway, in he comes all proud of himself telling everyone “these are the same clothes I went out in last night, I didn’t go home”, twat.

Fast forward a few years and he marries said whale, the wedding has 120 people at is and he invited 40 people from work, this doesn’t include partners, so that’s 80 of the 120 people being people he worked with, most people didn’t even know the bride’s name and never had a drink with yerman, thankfully I was on holidays and couldn’t go.

About a year and a half ago he came into work all happy, telling everyone around him that the wife was late and that they took a test and she’s pregnant, happy days. Not only did he bring in a copy of every scan that was taken but also a picture of the wife’s stomach to go along with it. 1 of the lads commented at least it wasn’t a picture of her face, yerman complained to HR and a warning was given.
Child is born, yerman brings the child in from the hospital before bringing the child home, now I have to say this shocked me, but the lad that was given the warning (which had expired) asked “who’s the father?”, another complaint to HR. This time the lad fought back and said that it was a genuine question that would only have caused offence and seeing as the he was boasting about getting off with a girl for a bag of chips that it was a genuine question, not only was there no warning but as the complaint was made public the findings were made public as well
The child is brought back into the office each Friday so people can see how it’s developing.

Brilliant :):smiley:

One sentence would have sufficed

Anyone who goes on a J1 is a twat

The Celtic tiger really has produced some amount of tossers in the workplace…

Good stuff Clareman - yer man sounds like some saddo. And not just shacking up with an ugly dog but complaining to HR and the likes too. Not sure I get how they scored - do you mean he was eating crisps and she wanted some so he basically said, ‘here, you can have some’ and started scoring her?

Chips, Bandage, chips. Fuck’s sake, read the post, and don’t just skim it to the bottom.

Apparantly, like all true romances, it was after the Queen’s, Enzo’s was closing and yerman stuck his head in looking for a bag of chips, they filled up a bag for him.

He’s a complete twat, don’t know what I could say to describe him, he was a very junior manager who had notions of grandure, leaving Managment books on his desk and shite, oh I’m getting annoied thinking about him now