That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

That’s great Paddy except that’s not what happened here.


JB Media Holdings and its subsidiaries have a pretty healthy cash pile from what I can see.

And now Joe has clarified his own salary position, nothing to see there either :clap::clap:

Apart from being paid 350k

If you pay peanuts you ge……. hold on


What would be your go to abusive phrase/comment if you met him on the street without much time to adapt?

This shite just lessens the impact of mental health on those that are really suffering mental health problems. All it does it make people think what are they trying to get out of or they are pulling fast one to get some time off or get an easier time of it in work. Nearly as bad as that pox of a Senator shouting racism when she is not getting enough attention.


Which senator

But the people who are genuinely suffering are vilified also, it’s a boy who cried wolf situation I suppose but celebrities/well known people probably suffer from mental health issues as much as anybody, I’d say everybody does to an extent from time to time,

That’s the thing they are vilified and they are genuinely suffering. I have seen it first hand, asking the doctor not to put the mental illness on the sick cert for fear of how it would be taken in the workplace, then stressing when going back to work on how they would be perceived by their colleagues.

Then you have the likes of Dee Forbes and Angela Kerrins using it as an excuse because they have been caught out all it does is make people think anyone that says they are suffering a mental illness are taking the piss.

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‘You dirty Slìbhìn, pencil-neck Cunt’, has a nice mix of the personal and direct disgust that would really make a fella reflect on the extra 350grand in his bank.



So both Claire Byrne and Joe Duffy have stated clearly that the salaries reported are what they are paid. I’d expect all the others to follow the party line if they have nothing to hide. If they all do this then does it not beg the question why was Tubridy so special? What made him the Messiah (awaits flood of Life of Brian responses…)

Slìbhìn is one of those great Irish words that is loaded with venom


He was presenting their highest rated show?

even pat the plank had better TAM ratings. dustin could present it FFS

Fianna Fáil

About 15 years ago, i had reason to be meeting with David McWilliams. We were chatting awsy and the conversation turned to Tubridy. They lived near one another and bumped into one another occasionaly. Tubridy was not too long split with the partner and had taken his kids out for lunch on one of these meetings. McWilliams was struck by the fact that tubs shipped a bit of abuse from people who felt the need to wander up ang give him a piece of their mind. I dont even remember if there was a specific reason or recent scandal other than his break up. He was of the opinion that people just naturally didnt like tubs.
I suppose tubs became a bit more loved over the years since, mainly through longevity really. Now people have an actual reason to hate him. I’d imagine he’ll ship a lot of abuse in public over the next while. I’d nearly feel sorry for him.
For what it’s worth, I’d probably not abuse him now if i saw him, but i might give him a bit of a glare and a shake of the head.


I’ve always found that utterly bizarre behaviour. Sadly, the public feel they have a right to do it. Public eye, public money, public responsibility. Lads slag off politicians, but jaysus I wouldnt go near the gig for love nor money for that same reason.

You’d want some neck for it.

Agreed. I’ve been in the company of some very low ranking politicians on nights out and they get pulled over and accosted regularly. It’s a bit mental really. Lads with a few pints love letting rip. Sure thats their bit done.