That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

they are being investigated. It’s understandable the INMO are worried about their members and are looking to better conditions

The people on the front line of this are absolute heroes and are doing their very best in extreme circumstances. You’d have to be some cunt to think otherwise

hil Ní Sheaghdha, INMO general secretary, has called on the HSE to introduce urgent upgrades to safety measures for hospital staff including a national requirement that high-standard FFP2 masks be used in all healthcare settings, not just basic surgical masks.

The INMO said the distance between beds must also be increased from one metre to two and that regular testing for all staff in healthcare settings should be carried out on a rolling basis. Safety reviews are also needed in each hospital, in particular to reduce footfall and improve decontamination practices, said the group.

More than 5,400 healthcare workers contracted Covid-19 in the fortnight leading up to January 19th including 1,957 who picked up the virus in a healthcare setting, said the INMO.

“We should not have to campaign for basic safety measures in our hospitals, yet we are seeing precious little progress from the HSE,” said Ms Ní Sheaghdha. “Hospital infection rates are out of control. This is directly harming frontline staff and depleting rosters. The HSE need to take control and issue strong national guidance to increase safety standards.

“Our members are furious that while many wait to get even their first vaccine, HSE policy is leaving them exposed to the virus.”

I’ve never once said or implied that.

however the management of hospitals or HSE should absolutely be answerable to decision making that is causing huge transmissions rates. The nurses and doctors and other staff within the hospital environment are a lot of the ones getting the disease and its because of the conditions they are working in with regards to insufficient protection and equipment or working through different wards etc. Obviously everyone is doing their best in all of this, and the last people who should have any sort of criticism are the ones who are working in the hospitals, but they are being seriously let down by the administration above them. It is one of the largest sectors of transmission since the latest surge in cases. If there should be any reporting done, then that should be above a few lads sneaking back into the country from their holiday. But it wouldnt generate as much public interest as the holiday story.


Yet you’re the one who wants their concerns hushed.

Said in true East Cork style :slight_smile:

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Esteban wants this hushed. He said so.

are we the only country suffering transmission in hospitals, I wouldn’t imagine it’s uncommon in a pandemic.

There will be reports and investigations on this - during the emergency isn’t the optimal time i’d imagine. What with people at the pin of their collar.

What would running a report on the conditions in Irish hospitals achieve right now? In the middle of the emergency? and before anyone says what was the report on holidays supposed to achieve - I don’t know - but the negative consequences of a damning report on conditions in the hospitals would be brutal I’d imagine

I don’t see what you’re getting at here. Both stories featured on Prime Time last night.

There is a world of difference for me between the intentions of management in a hospital trying to manage the surge of cases from a highly infectious disease, in infrastructure not set up for it (and probably increasing infection rates unintentionally) and some family in the middle of this, in the middle of a national crisis, saying ‘fuck it lets head to Lanzarote and chance not being caught breaching the 5km limit because this is doing me head in’. I am not saying that Lanzarote is nearly as bad infection wise as the hospital but the intention and outlook of the individuals involved in the the scenarios are completely different.

I’m saying it is of more priority than a few lads sneaking back into the country.

Also, during the pandemic should absolutely be the time to ensure they correct themselves, otherwise the same shite will keep happening over and over with no corrective measures being taken.

this here mentions 846 patients got it in the past 3 weeks. It does not state how many employees within the hospital got it, which is also very high.

It was massively high during the first wave as well.

Did you read the article regarding the INMO above. It’s clear as day the HSE is failing both their staff and patients.

“We should not have to campaign for basic safety measures in our hospitals, yet we are seeing precious little progress from the HSE,” said Ms Ní Sheaghdha.

Yes, in one story there, there are confirmed multiple cases of transmissions and huge outbreaks. In the other, there have been no recorded transmission numbers.

My link above stated it - it isn’t being hushed - it’s publicly available information

It’s been reported on - the INMO dissatification is reported on - what do you want? Them to go in and shove a mic in someones face.

The holiday things was 30 seconds and nobody was outed - a puff piece. Perspective is needed here

Reported on?

Why did a lady who makes Joe Biden’s mask get more coverage than failings in the health service that are leading to deaths?

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I am not disputing that but that’s not what I said in my post.

so do you want them spreading fear or not? It’s hard to follow sometimes - try use a little bit of perspective - I know it’s difficult, what with you being immensely ignorant, but at least try

Spreading fear?

I want them reporting on failings that need to be addressed. Health service failings are costing more lives that Johnny and Mary going up to the Wicklow Mountains for a walk.

They did that already two weeks ago for nothing else than to feed Claire Bryne’s ego.

Not the hospitals.Paul Reid. He is on 350k a year. In between preaching at people and photo ops beside pallets it would be nice if Paul was asked some hard questions on hospital infections


but they are reporting on it. You wouldn’t know about it otherwise.

Do you want it continually pumped through the airwaves.

You’re bitching about nothing. Literally yelling at the clouds