That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

That what isn’t happening?


You’re the one who wants hospital transmission rates hushed. You said it yourself here. I want important news reported on.

they aren’t hushed. It’s publicly available information - has been since day one

Just because you’re terminally stupid and need everything drip fed to you, doesn’t mean everyone else is

They are hushed. We have more coverage on the lady who made Joe Biden’s mask than we have on the INMO’s complaints on hospital transmission rates and measures that need to be introduced.

You have said yourself you want it hushed.

Pathetic government lackey.

They were happy to have Claire Byrne in amongst them a few weeks back until SOCIAL MEDIA backlashed

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I’m indifferent to the government. I’m indifferent to RTE.

I’ll argue things on their merit. You’re a zealot though who hates the Irish Free State and are prejudiced.

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Esteban is a sick man, he probably supports the coverup of cervical cancer too.

My hatred of the Free State is not based on prejudice, it’s based on merit.

You are on here arguing for failings in the health system to be hushed. I’m saying that’s abhorrent.

It’s clear who has prejudices and bias here and it ain’t me.

you’re a beaten docket resorting to shit like that.

I’m not. You’re the one justifying RTE hushing health service failings.

when you start the you’re the one thing it’s probably time to pack in, son

I appreciate you’d like to me to stop embarrassing you with your own comments but I’m not going to.

You said it yourself, you want RTE to hush news on the transmission rates in hospitals. You want health service failings buried.

Right there.

I asked a question - anything you implied is on you. I’m not responsible for your terminal stupidity and ignorance

The mind of a dangerous zealot

I did not see the report on Prime Time last night about the hospital break outs but to me when hospitals and their staff are being pushed to the absolute limits, it stands to reason that the risk of infection with Covid goes up than in more normal times. Hospitals are dealing with massive numbers of infectious patients who should really be completely isolated but we don’t simply have the infrastructure in our hospitals to deal with this number of infections.

I don’t think that infection rates should be brushed under the carpet at all but the above context should be given. Another key bit of context is that there are healthcare workers going over and beyond their call of duty to look after the very sick, and infectious and to someone criticise them in a time of crisis would be simply wrong.

Your comments have you in this mess.

I am a fair man, you are a pathetic government shill who wants media to censor government failings.

What about the INMO’s complaints?

They have put the blame firmly at the health service.

Can we task you and @pulpfiction to go find this out?

you were only bitching about how they covered the Storey funeral a few months ago and wanted them to stop.

If you want personally tailored news feeds you can set it up on the web browser.

I am not aware of the detail of them but they should absolutely be investigated within the context of where we are.

I had no problem them covering the Storey funeral.

I would draw criticisms of their bias when they did not uphold those same standards to the funeral of the Garda in Mayo when high ranking public officials and ministers breaching guidelines without any criticisms.

I’m a fair man as I said, I expect standards across the board.