That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

How do we know there is even an issue of foreign travel if it is not reported on? Just take the government’s word for it?

I asked a question - i haven’t called for anything to be hushed - I outlined a possible negative consequence of such a report, right now.

if RTE want to do an expose, they’re entitled to. On anything, within reason. I’m not for censorship, whether it’s suits me or not.

yeah I dont disagree with that. One thing from my own perspective that I want to make clear is that I am not doubting doctors, nurses and all staff went and still are, going beyond their call in this. It’s just the conditions and management that need to be held to account, which is happening. I also dont believe anyone deliberately failed in their duty either, but at the same time health care workers were calling out for PPE and for student nurses to be paid for their work, neither of which have been adequately sorted.

You did not need to go to the airport to know it was happening. The poor government legislation allows for it and they did not send a reporter into Dublin airport to expose that.

What they could have done is report on it and use their time with government ministers to challenge them on it. RTE’s relationship with FFG is far, far, far too cosy and this method will allow them scapegoat the people rather than the legislation as the problem.

do you think you can go after the head without damaging the body, right now. That’s an important question

Yeah - fair enough.

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Esteban trying to hush criticism of government yet again.

Utterly pathetic.

I watched Prime Time last night.

Look, I’m trying to have a reasonable discussion with another poster, you’ve interrupted numerous times - would you ever just fuck off and i’ll come back to you later, when you’re lonely


I would have though so. Doctors and nurses have been getting a huge amount of credit in all this, we did clap for them and light candles like…

I think most people can distinguish from the ones at the coalface to those in management. Its probably a somewhat different debate intertwined, but the HSE is a huge issue in itself in terms of pay scales and wastes of money and ineffective management. This then gets magnified in times like these unfortunately.


You bastard.

It would have to be handled correctly, given the timing. An incorrect tone and the consequences would be pretty brutal, in my opinion.

Who in RTE could do it?

At times like this, any creak in the system structures (of which there are many - no news there) will be impacted. The HSE as it stands is a massive problem. For instance their vaccine recording system didn’t go live until after Christmas, a day or so before the first vaccine. And there are heaps of problems, with manual recordings blah blah blah. A clusterfuck basically.

But it is better to plough on at the moment instead of forcing the system through and no doubt fucking up again.

Anyway - a bit off topic but basically the HSE is so fucked up but in ways we need to keep our head down for the moment.

You are incapable of a reasonable discussion as you only want the national broadcaster to engage in government propaganda that brushes over government failings and buries. You have said so yourself.

Don’t report the fact.

Just report propaganda.

The Esteban way.

Yeah, I agree with this point. The INMO and other frontline medics (including Antcon, RIP) have raised issues and there’s reports today that staff are being censored/warned by management not to air grievances publicly. Morale must already be low if they’re exasperated about workplace safety so I’d say it’s imperative to shine a light on this and take corrective action where necessary as soon as possible, rather than wait until the crisis has passed. Sure it’s taking action now that will benefit staff and patients.

It was interesting to hear about the UCD study on first wave hospital transmissions. Some spread from staff covering several wards so an infected worker unknowingly bringing it to different parts of the hospital. There was also a case of an agitated patient that got up and wandered the corridors at nights and found himself in different settings. He was linked to 11 other cases. There was some soft criticism of staff, e.g. taking off masks/PPE and taking breaks together, eating together etc.

Aside from the Lanzarote folk, the earlier piece about foreign travel also focused on an inbound Madrid flight and it was packed with foreign exchange students. All had negative PCR tests but I was surprised these activities haven’t been put on hold.

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Dont disagree there. But RTE wouldnt touch it with a barge pole to be honest, not now. It’s probably too serious an issue to make it current affairs, the only issue is that current affairs is now social media trends than what is actually bigger problems which should be tackled.

Can someone interested in cycling verifying this :joy:

Looks like Julien Alaphilippe. Not Sam anyways

Darren was in charge of gathering the photos I bet

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