That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Dancing Gardai join a lady who makes masks for Joe Biden’s masks as more newsworthy than the then Taoiseach lying in the Dail about leaking confidential documents to his mate.

Fair warning lads

You’d get the feeling the death spiral is about to start for RTE. It had a good innings.

"Paid sick leave will be halved, bringing it into line with the public service, while self-certified sick leave will drop from five days per year to seven days over a two-year period.

Salary protection for staff experiencing long-term illness will fall from 75% to 66%, with RTÉ reducing its contribution from 33% to 20%.

Annual leave and so-called privilege days will be standardised."

so theyve really pulled the piss, in spite of running a deficit for numerous years.

after reading that, forbes should be out on her ear

They’re trying to head off your coup, dont let them. Carry on as planned. Go dark from here on in.

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radical or redundant as @balbec s school buddy would say

Somebody after popping in the wrong tape here on RTÉ 2. Great American Railway Journeys, we are supposed to be watching Plymouth to Nantucket but we are in California. Not a bother. Yosemite looks lovely.

Happens quite often with RTÉ. Like the time they showed a semi final of challenging times in week 2 by accident one year.


That show was Kevin Myers finest hour, having to pretend he was impressed by a few lads answering some quiz questions

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He walked away from it after the RTÉ cock up

Love Hate repeat on RTE 1 Season 5.

Definitely one of the best things RTE ever did.


Watching it too. It is brilliant, even second time round.

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The latter seasons were still good but had some farcical scenes like the Garda swallowing Nidge’s tax disc and continuity errors like Nidge turning off the M50 into Ringsend.

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Fair City with cursing and guns.


In a courageous act of following through on my mouthing off on the internet, I looked up the Broadcasting Authority code to see can I complain that bizarre “will government have the bottle to prevent a fourth wave” question on morning Ireland.

I would say that the clip showed the broadcaster to be neither objective nor impartial. I’ll send in my complaint today.


Where’s the email address?

It seems I have to complain to RTE first.

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I’m on this later in the day… It would be great if we got a few examples of their scaremongering …