That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Philip Boucher Hayes grilling Dara Calleary over golf gate on RTE radio right now is probably the most ironic thing I’ve ever heard and should be held up as an example of the attitude within RTE

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Was this today ??

Just now

I’m after launching a grenade at the fucker via the text line


No time for DC but he fell on his sword on this one .

The most ironic thing you’ve ever heard? Was PBH caught out with something?
I don’t think that would even pass the Alanis Morrissete definition

The RTÉ party I assume they mean

and he fronted up for questions. RTE refused to put anyone to bat when they got snared. hope the cops follow up on phil collins leaving do and charges follow as they did for golfgate

i can feel it coming in the air


Gift grub yesterday morning had a good take on lockdown harder

Miriam said she was “genuinely sorry” on her show.

Let them know what you think

Time for this forum to shine

Looks like Claire is going for the Ursula Jacob look tonight.

I didnt hold back

RTE needs to impartial, it has been clear over the last year that it is not. The GE coverage pumped up the ff and fg measage while completely missing the feeling in the public for change.

Covid has been a disgrace, scaring the living daylights out of the elderly with the fear. Lack of balance and discussion on the scientific facts and accepting everything NPHET say is gospel. Allowong George lee as science correspondant is shocking the man wouldnt know a question if it hit him. An absolute void of challenging the narrative, looking at statisics that are clearly skewed to meet a narrative and an inability to call out bullshit. Setting traps for publicans not serving food was disgracful but hounding people in Dublin airport coming home from holiday’s on the same day the HSE admits 50% of hospital cases of covid were acquired in a hospital without challenge takes the biscuit. Look into the real stories and not kite flying. RTE once had some top class journalists, now they are all looking for a cushy goverment advisor role. Conflicts of interests everywhere so no integrity in the organisation

Now before you come with the poor mouth that rte is going broke, a majority of the staff are on normal or less than normal wage. These people deserve a decent wage but the top earners in rte make me sick. A man devoid of any talent gets half a million a year to be condescending, svare the shit out of old people. The list of “talent” getting disgusting money is a disgrace. Any company that is hemorrhaging so much money wluld cut these wages. Are they really worth it? Would they be a loss to the public if they left rte? Where will they go? Would they get the same money? Serious questions there lads.

Also stop buying old reruns of American and uk tv. Particularly if they are available on streaming services already. Who watches the big bang theory? Or young sheldon? I dont knkw anyone who watches this tripe. Why waste our liecence fee on it? Why not invest in irish talent and writer’s. Im sure some is good some is bad but art needs a chance to fail. Give these people the space and no oversight to water down the content. There are some fantastic talents in this country that need support.


It was mostly ranking their priorities for their charter in the survey. Only a few open text boxes to let rip at George Lee.

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I used the tick boxed to indicate that I’m woke too, it was easier than say ps I’m not a lunatic at the end of the text box

What have they done to her hair?

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Maybe the section on the lad colouring his wife’s hair , will have a surprise where he gives Claire a haircut as well.

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I think it was a tribute to the original oomps loompas.

Excellent work