That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

I filled it out last night myself… I really showed em

cc @Enrique

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Hopefully the message gets across, they have problems and they are mainly internal

Uplifting piece on Claire Byrne now on what to check for to see if you might have cancer


A thoroughly well thought out and unbalanced message delivered to RTE by myself last night. Used the example of RTE not being in a position to provide a spokesperson to it’s flagship RTE show to comment on the Phyl Collins party and asked that they reflect on it while considering what I hoped was their short future in Irish society


Tonights 6.1 news.

George Lee
Some young one on a farm in Cork who saw a cow calving
Sport - some young one in Cork retires from camogie
Sheep found in the outback in Australia
Good evening.


@Fagan_ODowd I’m taking a chance here but like in Cluedo I’m gonna role the dice…

You are Fergal Bowers in real life.

It all makes sense… the precise, concise presentation of fact… the jotter… the electric car… the attention to detail…

Fergal Bowers!


Fagan O Bowers


jesus george lee should be fired for parroting this shite without a scintilla of examination of the facts

Daily ICU deaths highest since pandemic began (

George Lee has a very important message for the country tonight on the six one news. It’s a must listen.

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George lee and his scaremongering can go fuck themselves

George is like a riderless horse. He’ll need to be contained shortly for his and the public’s safety.

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Catherine Martin! Ffs sake. The green party have been a thundering disgrace in this pandemic.* Took whatever shit they were given to eat by FFG and kept their mouths shut on everything.

*With the exception of sneaking in cycle lanes while the cars were off the road.

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“The agility of the coronavirus” was a nice, new turn of phrase.

No dates can be put in any plan to ease restrictions because of the agility of the coronavirus.

Agreed totally on Catherine Martin. Firstly, her brief is too wide. Secondly, there’s absolutely no sense of any MEANINGFUL planning or engagement being done by her department.

Roderic is minister for children. They’ve been completely shafted by him as he abdicated all responsibility to education.


These guys get paid so much not because of what they say, it’s the exact opposite, it’s because of what they don’t say. They never allow the truth to be aired and deem them, those who try, as cranks or conspiracy nuts. They are there to curb the narrative. They’re senior agents in the RTE narrative manipulation and propaganda department and that is why they’re paid so much. It’s the same with the media all around the world.



Monday Irish Times

Thursday RTE

Was Fergal Bowers a good club hurler in his day?


Would anyone know if the freedom of information act applies to RTE ?

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How can I make an FOI request? – About RTÉ (

if youre banging one in, be sure to invclude a request for all communicatons between RTE and AGS relating to Drew’s appearance on the LLS

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