That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Considering I’d rather stick rusty nails in my eyes than watch Tubridy on the Late Late show I’m unaware of DH appearance on it. What is it that concerns you concerned citizen ?

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@Raylan i didn’t print those jumpers don’t worry mate.

Capital “I” :upside_down_face:

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She’s got a point. No way does Sharon Ni Bheoliain look 50.

Questions being asked about Marty Morrissey too

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Marty could be any age between 30 and 65.

He’s early 60s. A friend (works in RTE Sports Dept) was at his 60th a couple of years back.

He’s a divil for the adrenochrome. Does your buddy look young? He’d surely be able to get his hands on a bit

Socially distant I hope.

Why would people be socially distancing a couple of years ago?

RTE don’t go in for that “social distancing” craic at their dos anyway

I’m going to guess its a craic merchant and stalwart of the RTE sports department like Darren Frehill or Eamon Horan.

Not a presenter


An e-mail read out by Ryan Tubridy from a concerned student in UL who lives in College Court.

As if that would ever happen. The thing is people will actually buy that bullshit.


Might be a concerned resident. Like the lady who got the Stables closed down.