That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Why not?

Oh he said it was a student. The fucking fear mongering cunts in RTE playing on the emotions of people with fake emails.


It’s entirely impossible that a student wrote an email to tubridy? Why?

You dont think there was one student there that thought things got a bit out of hand? Really?

If your living in college court, your not there to live under the bed.


You’re. Jesus you’re having a shocker between this and condone.

And you can be in College Court for the craic, and still think that was a step beyond given the current restrictions. Don’t think to speak for every college student.

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I never knew you were in the grammar society.

If you’re a student living in College court then there’s a 99% chance you’ll enjoy a few beers on a day like yesterday.

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If you are serious about college you’ve no business living in college court.

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I do believe there are many students who ain’t happy with what went down. However sitting down to write an e-mail to Ryan Tubridy isn’t the way they would deal with it. I’m sure there are social media platforms they would use.

The email was clearly a plant by his research team so Ryan could go off on a lecture/rant on the airwaves.


What makes you so sure of this?

A ghetto

Are you in college yourself buddy?

I know hundreds on college court graduates that turned out the finest.

What young person listens to Ryan Tubridy? If they do, they certainly don’t live in around college court or any place with large student housing… I’d agree that this was not from a student, or certainly not one who socializes with other young people.


The type of young lad who listens to, and emails, Tubs would have one miserable existence inside in College Court


The young McConkey, Tomas Ryan type nerds were college students once.

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A student getting up at nine in the morning :grinning::grinning::grinning:.

Good one.


Do students not have 9AM lectures anymore? The fucking bastards!

I dont get how any of them pass the course. I wouldnt have a hope anyway.