That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Two weeks of rote learning in the library generally does the trick.

I’m well gone.

This is bizarre reasoning. Why would the student want to use social media and put their name to whatever it is they said?

Probably wears a scarf

We used to be in by 9 am without fail, had the cards going by 9:30, passed the time til the pool hall opened.

Has there been any comment made by Ursula Stokes?

I think the week the Stables was closed was the week I’d to submit my final year project. Ursula did me a favour.

All students have the same opinions on everything, how 21st century, Gid be with the days when it was cool to stand out, possibly go against the grain.

You’d be disgusted with the students these days, not the drinking or causing trouble, that’s all a part of it, but the fucking uniformity of them.


I think it was said before on here but you don’t really see any different young groups anymore there’s no real equivalent of different looks/dress like we had goths, cureheads, mods, rockers anymore

The other noticeable thing is that regional accents are dying out or at least much less pronounced. A version of a South Dublin accent has been adopted in lots of Ireland


You’ve noticed this in your little enclave in South Dublin have you?



I’d often venture outside my enclave pre Covid or I’d watch TV/listen to radio or I’d meet younger people from different parts of Ireland. The regional accent is definitely dying.

Apparently regional accents are dying off all over the world partly due to the influence of technology.

Maybe Waterford is an outlier being an outpost on the Atlantic.

Plassey or Kilmurry for 1st year and then Oaklawns, Groody or somewhere like that thereafter is the way to go.

First year doesn’t count towards QCA so spend first year in Elm Park.

I spent the last night writing mine swapping between writing a chapter in the FishTank and having a pint in The Scholars.

Ah I’d say Plassey or Kilmurry would be better craic and more condensed with 1st years than Elm Park. There would often be a strong smell wafting from Elm Park😂

In my day there were quite a few ‘digs’ in Elm Park. You’d have a few leaving the pub for an hour to go ‘home’ for a feed of bacon and cabbage.

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A nerdy lookin YoungFineGael type cunt.

This fella would definitely send tubs an email.


Jaysus :smiley:
