That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Are the houses still standing in Elm Park. I lived in 705 in first year. A good run at the wall and you’d be through it and into the neighbours.

Things having changed much since my day left in the mid 90s Elm Park was known as the Caves, some of the houses weren’t fit for animals let alone humans. College Court a notch above alright.

A young fine gael type i would assume

There is two types of normal people that attend UL.
There are the people that live in College court and then there is everyone else.

If you are going to live in a shithole house with no heating or comfort your best do it in the location where there will be max enjoyment.

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College Court was terrible, too far from everything, unless you had your lecture in the Schumann. Milford Grange was a happy medium between Elm Park and College Court. There were shitty older houses in College Court and new ones, can’t remember the name of the drives they were. Some landlord -Connie Kelleher was it? - owned or acted as agent for around 20-30 houses in the 1990s early 2000s.

The cream has risen to the top

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Its right beside the Kemmy business school where many of UL’s most “dedicated” scholars do their mandatory 3 hours of tutorials.

There is very few lay people living in College court any more hence why its the wildest of the 3.

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That is the Schumann Building.

I had to go there for a tutorial in 4th year on a Thursday afternoon when I was living in Milford Grange. Rarely made it past the Stables.

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Who would have thought the aspirational class in Limerick aspired to talk with a Dublin accent

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It was a simple equation. If the class is not in the Schumann or Main building you don’t go.

Because the muldoons are behind the times they are speaking like South Dubs in the 2000s whereas actual South Dubs have American accents.


Gas the amount of lads on here with degrees and masters who never went to a lecture and never did a tap.

all from the “university of life”

Another thread choked with matters about Limerick…

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These College Court lads think they’re the maddest cunts who ever went to college :grinning:

The big fish in the tiny pond :+1:


Talking about College Court as if it’s a nationally known landmark.

Although the same lads reckon this

Is more impressive than this

It’s fairly easy to get through a lot of degrees by not doing much


Huh? The stone circle is the largest in Ireland, I think that’s all that was said on the subject… New Grange was rebuilt by academics to make it look like their flawed interpretation of what they think it looked like… very typical of Leinster really with their notions… that’s why they invited the Normans in also, notions.