That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith

Both buildings are next to each other. The computer science building is in pissing distance too


is this the computer lab down there?


Drivetime didn’t have much trouble getting residents of College Court to lambast the party crowd from last night @Fat_Pox
Weren’t hiding their voices either

Patrick O’Donovan referred to the participants last night in College Court as a ‘bunch of yahoos’. :smile:


Prof Nolan will need to build “yahoos” into his modelling now, this could add weeks to easing of restrictions.

Anyone attending UL isn’t serious about getting a decent 3rd level degree so I wouldn’t take what happened last night seriously at all


You’ll always have the few weirdos in fairness

It’s the Pointins of colleges.

No O’Flattys allowed

RTÉ offers staff contracts to 81 freelancers and self-employed contractors after Revenue raised concerns

That begs a very very obvious question :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Inside in the compound…they wouldn’t find the city centre with a map

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Hup begorrah. This will hopefully continue unabated into 2021.


Presume the tv inspector is off work currently, haven’t seen our lad since 2019 come to think of it

Yea they are not doing house calls.
€11.2m additional hole in their accounts.

Was actually raging the missus paid it. Only way any change can be brought about with these guys is through the pocket


I’d imagine the new charge whenever it comes in will be more than the €160, especially if there is such a high number of non-payers.

I would also imagine that such shortfalls in RTÉ funding will further hit sporting rights / sports coverage before it does anything to their current affairs/ news content.

RTE haven’t had to try a leg in recent times. The vacumn in programming or content will be really visible once covid dies down. They will probably be on the look out for the next cause celebre then. Climate change maybe. Raising licence fee won’t achieve anything. It will only encourage more non compliance in payment. They will want to see a broadcasting charge or general taxation model which I hope would never come to pass. They have done so much of govt and public health authorities bidding though that they will look to be recompensed.

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Their sports coverage is shite compared to what it was so no harm