That's it ! everybody in RTE should be executed forthwith


RTE deemed a grovelling apology to be enough

Reminds me of that episode of Bachelors walk where Barry was trying to get the foreign fella to set up his virtual street for him to gain prospective backers. Actually the storyline of him dating a TY student is eerily similar too!


Great mind think alike. I posted this as well just before reading your comment😅

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hoist by his own picard


Anything back yet Glas? Their 20 days must be up around now…

No actually. I was thinking I must check in on it. I presume that if I don’t hear from them I can the forward the the complaint to the broadcasting authority, I’ll check on that tomorrow.


20 working days, a few left yet.

If a woman came forward and made public allegations of a person of high profile, would RTE usually not report on it?

Or is that just a courtesy they save for one of their own/former colleagues? The same applies to the media. Do they normally turn a blind eye to rape allegations? I have seen many new stories reported on the sole basis of allegations without any corroborating evidence before.

No they’d shit their pants over the legals.

Isn’t there laws in Ireland that they don’t report on accusations? Hence, “famous Irish sports star” rather than Conor McGregor in the tabloids?

Not sure.

The victim never came forward in the McGregor case publicly.

The victim in the McDermott case has publicly made her claims.

Have the Irish media reported at all on these allegations?

I don’t think they have

It’s strange. Usually these allegations are put straight to print with some sort of vague covering ala the McGregor allegations.

theres also laws that gardai arent allowed to leak details of active investigations, but thats ignored as well


Didn’t that ould comedian lad get named for some kind of harassment recently and then found not guilty?

sil fox

Al Porter wasn’t convicted either iirc

You’ve hedged your bets here…

He had a firm grip of my balls as I made that typo.